Commands & Permissions


This page, as the title suggests, explains commands, usage, and permissions.

All this information is taken from plugin.yml.

At the moment, only user commands exist. This implies admin command(s) will exist in the future.

A universal user permission exists, dkabotshop.*

Similarly a universal admin permission exists, dkabotshopadmin.*

Cases of item are either an item name or an alias name as in the configuration.

User Commands

All user permissions at the moment are dkabotshop.command

All user permissions are given to all users by default.

Arguments surrounded by nothing are required, ones surrounded by () are optional.

/sell : Puts an item in your inventory on the market for purchase.

Usage: /sell item amount (price) - Puts amount of item on the market for (price). If no price is provided, it will use the last provided one if possible.

Amount can be "all", which sells all of the item in your inventory,

/cancel : Removes an item you are selling from the market and gives you the unsold amounts back.

Usage: /cancel item (amount) - Takes ((amount) of) item off the market.

Amount can be "all", which does the same as no amount.

/price : Sets the price on an item you are selling

Usage: /price item price - Sets price of item in your shop to price.

/buy : Buy an item off the market.

Usage: /buy item amount (max price) - Attempt to buy amount of item (only if the amount per price is less than (max price))

/stock : Look at current items for sale, with stock/prices.

Usage: /stock (player) (item) p(page) - Look at (page number (page) of) ((player)'s) items (or (item)) for sale.

The "p" prefix on page number is required

/find is aliased to this command

/sales : Get a history of items sold.

Usage: /sales (item) p(page) - Get (page number (page) of) sales history (of (item)).

The "p" prefix on page number is required

Admin Permissions

(No admin commands exist, just permissions)

As listed in the first section, dkabotshopadmin.* gives all admin permissions.

All admin permissions are given to all OP users by default

  • dkabotshopadmin.bypassMaxPrice allows the user to sell at any valid high price they wish
  • dkabotshopadmin.bypassMinPrice allows the user to sell at any valid low price they wish
  • dkabotshopadmin.bypassMaxStock allows the user to sell as much of an item as the plugin can handle