Configuration reference

default: name of default cube
allowedCommands: commands that are allowed within cube areas
autoUpdate: automatically update on serverstart if outdated

Deathcube Settings
density: tower density
stageLevel: stage (absolute y-position)
startHeight: lower position (absolute y-position)
height: upper position (absolute y-position)
tpRange: range of /dc tp|tpi for users
pkinProbability: probability of blocks being replaced by jackos
pkinStart: amounts of jackos player receive on start
kickOnCheat: remove players when they try to cheat
posTower: toggle the flying position marks
posTowerRate: update rate for the position marks in serverticks
broadcast: broadcast starting or ending games
broadcastTimers: broadcast "Will start in X minutes" and so on
offlineFeed: allow /dc food when not playing but in range
autoRemove: remove players after game
openAfterGame: renew the cube and open the gates after playing
timeLimit: timer for burning the tower in minutes
userStart: allow users with deathcube.start commands to start games
winCommands: commands that are executed when someone wins a game (use %name% for playername)
mTimedMinPlayers: not used yet
mTimedWinCommands: not used yet
mPublicMinPlayers: number of players that must be present to allow public starts
mPublicWinCommands: like winCommands but for public games
dropProtection: range players are not allowed to drop items
looseOnFall: players will loose if they get below startHeight
posTowerId: block id for block position mark
activeRedstone: redstone-lanterns will not turn off
advertiseTournament: forbid my little text message on /dc tp
allowRegistration: disallow players to register for our tournament on your server
stageWidth: enlarges the width of the planks

burnLevel: height that must be reached to start burning (absolute y-position)
burnSpeed: burning-routine interval in serverticks (20 ~ 1 second)
burnChance: chance of blocks getting removed
burnExpand: wait X routines to expand one level up

On start the lowest level is added to the activeLevel list. Every <burnSpeed*20> seconds the routine will step through all levels in this list and replace non-air-blocks with air with a chance of burnChance (burnChance 1: 50%, burnChance 2: 33%). After <burnExpand> routines the activeLevel list will be expanded by the next level.


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