Config File


Config File:

NOTE: The config file can be reset by deleting it and restarting the CTR plugin or the server, it should also auto update now for new versions

    version: 0.91
    # Leave this alone, it may mess up your config if changed
        autosort team: false 
        # Will make players automatically be assigned a team and teleport them to the correct spawn
        build time: 120 
        # The default build time in minutes, can be changed in game
        capture time: 120 
        # The default capture time in minutes, can be changed in game
        spawn radius: 20
        # The default spawn radius in blocks, can be changed in game
        max distance: 100
        # The max distance that can be travelled in blocks, enforced by a bedrock wall, use with care
        enforce max distance: false # Whether or not to use the max distance feature
        wall protection: false
        # Can make the bedrock wall set with /bedrockwall be used as an extension to a team's spawn area
        creepers on: false 
        # Whether or not creepers should be spawned
        single jukebox: false 
        # Whether a single shared jukebox or individual team jukeboxes should be used
        pvp in build time:false 
        # Whether or not pvp is allowed during the build time
        wool helmet: true
        # Whether or not a gold/green wool block is put on player's heads for team identification
        compass mode: normal
        # What mode for compasses to be put it, normal mode is the default minecraft compass behaviour,
        # otherspawn points it at the other team's spawn and ownspawn points it at your team's spawn
        chest under sea level: false
        #By default chests aren't allowed under sea level (y < 64), to allow chests under sea level set this to true
    continuous mode:
        enabled: true
        # Whether or not to use the finished options
        minimum votes: 1
        # The minimum number of votes required to start a CTR game
        maximum votes: 0.5
        # The fraction of the server voting yes required to finish a vote early
        #  (unless that is less than the minimum votes)
        # i.e. with 0.5 if half of the people online on the server vote yes, the game starts.
        vote seconds: 300
        # The number of seconds the vote lasts for, defaults to 5 minutes
        finished options: [Vote, ReloadBackup YourBackupHere]    
        # Comma delimited list of actions to do, currently limited to None, Vote and ReloadBackup
        # ReloadBackup also requires a parameter, which a space followed by the name of the backup
    team chest:
        items per member: false 
        # Default of whether items should be given per team member, i.e. 2 team members would give 
        # 2*32 stacks of iron bars
        team chest items: [265 32 true,306] 
        # items to add at the beginning of a game(excluding records) in the 
        # format [itemID number perTeamMember,...]
        # a comma splits up items, make sure there are no spaces before or after the comma 
        # if perTeamMember is left blank, uses the default in items per member
        # if number is left blank assumes 1
    allowed commands: 
    # the commands that can be used during a CTR game, in the format CommandName,Generally Available
        # If not generally available requires that the player be an op or has the permission
        # Please note that permissions for all commands are still required as normal as well
        - banter,true
        - joingold,false
        - joingreen,false
        - jointeam,false
        - telegameworld,false
        - leavegame,true
        - stopgame,false
        - gametime,true
        - telegold,true
        - telegreen,true


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