
The main command is /generator - you will use this command for everything in this plugin.


You can also use these aliases to trigger the command:

  • gen
  • cg
  • chestgen



  • Command syntax: '/generator get <itemType> <cooldownTicks> <amount> !player!'
  • * - REQUIRED
  • Description: This command will add a ChestGenerator in your inventory or specified player's inventory based on the arguments: ITEM_TYPE, COOLDOWN_TICKS, AMOUNT.
  •  ITEM_TYPE - string - Name of the item you want to be generated or (ver. 4.2) 'hand' which will use the player's hand as the generated item
  •  COOLDOWN_TICKS - number - Number of ticks that passes until the new item gets generated. If your server is stable, 20 ticks should be equal to one second.
  •  AMOUNT - number - The amount of items that should get generated at once.


  • Description: Removes all ChestGenerators from a database, but the chests in the world won't be destroyed, just that they will no longer be used by the plugin.
  • Command syntax: '/generator clear'



  • Description: Gives you or the specified player a wrench, depending on the second argument.
  • Command syntax: '/generator wrench  !player!'