Notice! I am currently very busy with both work and school. Please refrain from feature requests and only post bug reports, as I am unable to do extra work at this time.
ChatSuite provides an advanced Chat Management interface for servers, with channel and multi-world support. IRC support is planned for the future. A comprehensive command structure is provided, which you can access by typing /chatsuite ? or /cs help.
Table of Contents
- Github Wiki
- Default config.yml - Examination - Layout
- Examples
- Source
- Jenkins 5.1. Use of the plugin builds from Jenkins is unofficial, unsupported and unapproved by BukkitDev Staff!
- Channels, and permissions support for the creation thereof. (Node: chatsuite.create)
- A powerful localization file, to control the messages that users receive when requesting help. (
- Whispering and AFK systems (chatsuite.whisper and chatsuite.afk)
- ... and more!
I am currently working on documentation, which can be found at my github wiki.
The following is a very brief overview of the commands available via this plugin, many of which can be changed.
note: CommandBook's CraftScripts registers the command /cs, which will supercede this plugin's /cs (which is only an alias).
note 2: ChatSuite v2.0 (currently in progress) will have a completely redesigned command system. /cs will be used minimally, in favor of more relevant command names (/join, /part, etc) for the plugin.
- /chat ? (
- /chat [page] - Show paged help. The command pages have additional information.
- /chat afk ? - Will show command usage and syntax for the afk command. (chatsuite.afk)
- * /chat afk "[message here]"
- /chat whisper ? - Will show command usage and syntax for whispers. (chatsuite.whisper)
- * /w [player] "[message here]"
- /chat nick [nick] / /chat nick [player] [nick] (chatsuite.nick)
- * /nick - Reset your nickname.
- * /nick [new nick] - Change your nickname.
- * /nick [player] [new nick] - Change another player's nickname. (requires chatsuite.nick.other)
- * /nick [player] --reset - Resets the specified player's nickname. (requires chatsuite.nick.other)
- /chat target [target] (
- * /target c:[channel] - Sets your target to the specified channel. Can also be used without the c: prefix.
- * /target p:[player] - Sets your target to the specified player. Similar to whispering. Can be used without the p: prefix.
- /chat 4 / /chat 5 - Will show command usage and syntax for channel-based commands. (various)
- * /create [channel] ( (/ch create [channel] [type])
- * /join [channel] ( (/ch join [channel])
- * /part [channel] ( (/ch part [channel])
- * /invite [player] [channel] ( (/ch invite [player] [channel])
- * /msg [channel] "[message here]" ( (/ch msg [channel] "[message here]")
- * /ch list [-all] ( /
- * /ch set ? / /ch set [channel] option [value] (
- * * basic options
- * * /ch set [channel] color [color]
- * * /ch set [channel] permanent [boolean]
- * * /ch set [channel] owner [player]
- * * /ch set [channel] public [boolean]
- * * irc options
- * * /ch set [channel] network [irc network]
- * * /ch set [channel] channel [irc channel]
- * * /ch set [channel] enabled [boolean]
- * * /ch set [channel] key [irc channel password]
- /cs reload - Will reload ChatSuite. (chatsuite.reload)
- /cs debug - Will toggle debug mode in the server log (chatsuite.debug)
- /cs version - Will print ChatSuite's current version and build number. (chatsuite.version)
Not sure if this has been reported, but apostrophes do not work in private messages.
when determining what chat groups someone should be in, it appears to be ignoring permission nodes for ops ie ops are getting a prefix from a group definition that I do _NOT_ want them to have. How do I prevent this? config.yml is and I don't wish ops to be in the contrib group unless they explicitly have the chatsuite.groups.Contrib permission - non-ops are verified as only getting the contrib prefix if they have been granted this
Is it also possible to turn off global chat when you are in another channel?
And some channels don't list whenever i do.. /ch list only the default channel is listed.
Mchat still supports it and it works. Im no coder but is it really that hard to still implement it?
Im not trying to force you into anything. But it is the only thing that makes me consider staying on mchat.
All my users really like the heroes prefix. :(
Heroes is no longer supported because it does not work on Bukkit servers. I have discontinued support for it.
Great plugin.
Just one thing that isn't working right is the heroes class prefix.
It just puts a number at the place where there should be a heroes class name.
That'll be good enough for me. I'll be testing it out for a little while.
I created a task that updates all current players' groups every 5 seconds. It's inefficient and horrifying but it works without a significant impact on server performance that I could see.
You can get the new build from my CI, though I will probably be adding it to DBO soon.
Guess ill just have to include a chatsuite reload in one of my bash scripts.
This issue is because the Chat event is Asynchronous, so I cache the group and update it periodically instead of doing it every time the chat event occurs. This is to prevent concurrent modification exceptions (exceptions that would crash the plugin).
I will be working on a way to do it safely but until then I can't offer a reliable fix. Sorry :(
Yea. Same issue here. I'm hoping this issue will be fixed soon.
Ditto. I was just about to post a ticket. I have to constantly use /chat reload for prefixes to update. This is no bueno with fluctuating ranks!
Hey, I'm just experiencing a minor problem... When I change a player's group, they have to relog for their prefix to change in the chat. Am I doing something wrong?
I think your jenkins server is dead. I wanted to get the dev build that makes prefixes/suffixes/nicks persist correctly, but I'm getting timeouts and 404's from
EDIT: just verified that the jenkins server is up again.
Players seem to have chat lag upon login, and on joing other worlds (especially repeatedly)... commands take seconds to register upon doing so too.
NeroTech: The channels stuff should be fixed now in my latest dev builds.
Qowface: See above.
TanveerGT5: This plugin should work perfectly well with the latest builds of Bukkit. There is no reason to update this plugin unless you discover a bug, want one of the new features or the Bukkit API radically changes between builds.
Jacksta21: As always, thanks much for your help!
To find the latest dev builds hit the "Jenkins" link under the table of contents. Dev Builds ALWAYS have bugs, hence why they are development builds and not beta/recommended builds. I'm currently using 2.2.2 b319 and it seems to work fine although I will probably update to latest dev build later for some bug fixes.
Still working absolutely fine, if your not happy I'm sure you can find a dev build on Jenkins :)