
Notice! I am currently very busy with both work and school. Please refrain from feature requests and only post bug reports, as I am unable to do extra work at this time.

ChatSuite provides an advanced Chat Management interface for servers, with channel and multi-world support. IRC support is planned for the future. A comprehensive command structure is provided, which you can access by typing /chatsuite ? or /cs help.

Table of Contents

  1. Github Wiki
  2. Default config.yml - Examination - Layout
  3. Examples
  4. Source
  5. Jenkins 5.1. Use of the plugin builds from Jenkins is unofficial, unsupported and unapproved by BukkitDev Staff!


  • Channels, and permissions support for the creation thereof. (Node: chatsuite.create)
  • A powerful localization file, to control the messages that users receive when requesting help. (
  • Whispering and AFK systems (chatsuite.whisper and chatsuite.afk)
  • ... and more!


I am currently working on documentation, which can be found at my github wiki.


The following is a very brief overview of the commands available via this plugin, many of which can be changed.

note: CommandBook's CraftScripts registers the command /cs, which will supercede this plugin's /cs (which is only an alias).

note 2: ChatSuite v2.0 (currently in progress) will have a completely redesigned command system. /cs will be used minimally, in favor of more relevant command names (/join, /part, etc) for the plugin.

  • /chat ? (
  • /chat [page] - Show paged help. The command pages have additional information.
  • /chat afk ? - Will show command usage and syntax for the afk command. (chatsuite.afk)
  • * /chat afk "[message here]"
  • /chat whisper ? - Will show command usage and syntax for whispers. (chatsuite.whisper)
  • * /w [player] "[message here]"
  • /chat nick [nick] / /chat nick [player] [nick] (chatsuite.nick)
  • * /nick - Reset your nickname.
  • * /nick [new nick] - Change your nickname.
  • * /nick [player] [new nick] - Change another player's nickname. (requires chatsuite.nick.other)
  • * /nick [player] --reset - Resets the specified player's nickname. (requires chatsuite.nick.other)
  • /chat target [target] (
  • * /target c:[channel] - Sets your target to the specified channel. Can also be used without the c: prefix.
  • * /target p:[player] - Sets your target to the specified player. Similar to whispering. Can be used without the p: prefix.
  • /chat 4 / /chat 5 - Will show command usage and syntax for channel-based commands. (various)
  • * /create [channel] ( (/ch create [channel] [type])
  • * /join [channel] ( (/ch join [channel])
  • * /part [channel] ( (/ch part [channel])
  • * /invite [player] [channel] ( (/ch invite [player] [channel])
  • * /msg [channel] "[message here]" ( (/ch msg [channel] "[message here]")
  • * /ch list [-all] ( /
  • * /ch set ? / /ch set [channel] option [value] (
  • * * basic options
  • * * /ch set [channel] color [color]
  • * * /ch set [channel] permanent [boolean]
  • * * /ch set [channel] owner [player]
  • * * /ch set [channel] public [boolean]
  • * * irc options
  • * * /ch set [channel] network [irc network]
  • * * /ch set [channel] channel [irc channel]
  • * * /ch set [channel] enabled [boolean]
  • * * /ch set [channel] key [irc channel password]
  • /cs reload - Will reload ChatSuite. (chatsuite.reload)
  • /cs debug - Will toggle debug mode in the server log (chatsuite.debug)
  • /cs version - Will print ChatSuite's current version and build number. (chatsuite.version)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 30, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Sep 9, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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