Notice! I am currently very busy with both work and school. Please refrain from feature requests and only post bug reports, as I am unable to do extra work at this time.
ChatSuite provides an advanced Chat Management interface for servers, with channel and multi-world support. IRC support is planned for the future. A comprehensive command structure is provided, which you can access by typing /chatsuite ? or /cs help.
Table of Contents
- Github Wiki
- Default config.yml - Examination - Layout
- Examples
- Source
- Jenkins 5.1. Use of the plugin builds from Jenkins is unofficial, unsupported and unapproved by BukkitDev Staff!
- Channels, and permissions support for the creation thereof. (Node: chatsuite.create)
- A powerful localization file, to control the messages that users receive when requesting help. (
- Whispering and AFK systems (chatsuite.whisper and chatsuite.afk)
- ... and more!
I am currently working on documentation, which can be found at my github wiki.
The following is a very brief overview of the commands available via this plugin, many of which can be changed.
note: CommandBook's CraftScripts registers the command /cs, which will supercede this plugin's /cs (which is only an alias).
note 2: ChatSuite v2.0 (currently in progress) will have a completely redesigned command system. /cs will be used minimally, in favor of more relevant command names (/join, /part, etc) for the plugin.
- /chat ? (
- /chat [page] - Show paged help. The command pages have additional information.
- /chat afk ? - Will show command usage and syntax for the afk command. (chatsuite.afk)
- * /chat afk "[message here]"
- /chat whisper ? - Will show command usage and syntax for whispers. (chatsuite.whisper)
- * /w [player] "[message here]"
- /chat nick [nick] / /chat nick [player] [nick] (chatsuite.nick)
- * /nick - Reset your nickname.
- * /nick [new nick] - Change your nickname.
- * /nick [player] [new nick] - Change another player's nickname. (requires chatsuite.nick.other)
- * /nick [player] --reset - Resets the specified player's nickname. (requires chatsuite.nick.other)
- /chat target [target] (
- * /target c:[channel] - Sets your target to the specified channel. Can also be used without the c: prefix.
- * /target p:[player] - Sets your target to the specified player. Similar to whispering. Can be used without the p: prefix.
- /chat 4 / /chat 5 - Will show command usage and syntax for channel-based commands. (various)
- * /create [channel] ( (/ch create [channel] [type])
- * /join [channel] ( (/ch join [channel])
- * /part [channel] ( (/ch part [channel])
- * /invite [player] [channel] ( (/ch invite [player] [channel])
- * /msg [channel] "[message here]" ( (/ch msg [channel] "[message here]")
- * /ch list [-all] ( /
- * /ch set ? / /ch set [channel] option [value] (
- * * basic options
- * * /ch set [channel] color [color]
- * * /ch set [channel] permanent [boolean]
- * * /ch set [channel] owner [player]
- * * /ch set [channel] public [boolean]
- * * irc options
- * * /ch set [channel] network [irc network]
- * * /ch set [channel] channel [irc channel]
- * * /ch set [channel] enabled [boolean]
- * * /ch set [channel] key [irc channel password]
- /cs reload - Will reload ChatSuite. (chatsuite.reload)
- /cs debug - Will toggle debug mode in the server log (chatsuite.debug)
- /cs version - Will print ChatSuite's current version and build number. (chatsuite.version)
Hey, do you happen to know, why I (OP, owner plapla) can't set nicks to other players, who have the nick.other node?
Thank you <3
Thankyou Jeff
& Yeh sorry again!
Hi Cpb40, and no worries. Everyone gets stressed.
On the top right of this page is a little "donate" button. It's rather inconspicuous, so it's easy to miss. Donations are greatly appreciated. :)
Regarding channels, there are a few fairly simple commands you can use:
/ch create [channel name]
/ch set [channel name] permanent true
/ch set [channel name] public false
This will create a channel with the specified name, then make it permanent and private. Anyone you want to allow in the channel will either need an invite (/ch invite [channel name] [player]) or have the admin permission (chatsuite.bypass.join).
Talking in a channel is done with /msg [channel name] [message], or by setting your target and typing normally (/target [channel name]).
Hi Jeff, Cpb40 here I am sorry about what I said to you the other night. I was stressed and annoyed!
Lets forget about that!
I was wondering if there is anyway to donate to you for this amazing plugin!
Also how do I create multiple channels so I can have Admin chat etc
Okay, had to update the plugin on my server host.
I am still actively developing the plugin, but you're welcome to contribute pull requests or updates if you find anything that needs doing. :)
This plugin is an exceptional if you're looking for Heroes class integration. My hunt is finally over! Also, since this is open source, would you recommend any sources from where I can learn to self-sufficiently update the plugin if it breaks with future Bukkit releases?
Thank you again!
I'm not helping you set up Factions. Consult the documentation for the plugin for information on how to use it.
ChatSuite uses permissions to delegate prefixes. If you want the prefix of a ChatSuite group, give yourself that permission: group.groupname
1. how do i get factions to work? 2. what happened to my prefix? Also i want whats in the picture
tnx i realy need this plugin
oeps .. ok i fix the error. thanks
ThisUsernameIsMine: Channel join permissions are specified per channel. If a channel is public, anyone can join it. If it's private, you have to do /ch invite [channel] [player] to allow them in.
No permissions are necessary.
DavMicrofix: You fail at copy/pasting :(
However, the error appears to be that you've specified a "%f" string somewhere in your formats. Remove that (replace it with {FACTION}) and the error should disappear.
dosn't seem to work get a lot of java errors
[SEVERE] Could not pass event PlayerChatEvent to ChatSuite it.event.EventException at$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManage
at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a( at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.handle( at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b( at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a( at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(NetworkListenThread.jav
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w( at at y: java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: f != org.bukkit.craftb y.CraftPlayer at org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent.setFormat(PlayerChatEvent.
at va:90) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader
I like this, but does it have or is it planned to add channel-specific join permissions?
Give them a prefix in players.yml.
to bad you don't have a solution.
all ops are owners so default the highest weight in the cs config and i dont want that i want to select a difrent weight for every OP so the can all have there own god name.
is there realy no way to fix this ?
im using latest dev built of privileges #51 (you created it also)
op fallback needs to be false, otherwise you'll have to set the various groups to false in your permissions plugin beforehand.
I believe this is a permissions plugin problem, not with ChatSuite.
ok here is the config file :
i have 4 admins (last 4 groups) after craftbukkit update all get the prefix odin. if i downgrade craftbukkit then all admins have there own prefix again. i have change : op_fallback: to false that dosn't change annything