
Reporter Logo

Report those pesky players!

What is Reporter?

Reporter is a plugin developed by CorruptEntity. It allows admins to give their players power to report other players that are breaking the server rules. The administrators can then check who people have reported. Admins will have to use other plugins to find out if they are truthful or not, for Reporter only is capable (ATM) of taking in reports, reading them off, so on and so on.

Why use Reporter?

You should use Reporter because of the ease of access it gives your players. It makes all the admin's jobs easier because they can look at specific players that people have reported, and so if something happens while all the admins are offline, they can still learn about it.


reporter.* - Gives access to all reporter functions - Gives access to reporting players. - Gives access to listing all of the reports (Not available ATM)


/report [Player] [Reason]

How to see all of the reports

This does not have a command at the moment, so you will literally have to the root file where they are saved. Go to: SERVER\plugins\Reporter\reports.yml to see all of them. Command coming very soon.

Plugins recommended to use along with Reporter:


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 5, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Feb 6, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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