
The information on this page applies only up to version 0.5


Any controlled region has some flags to could defined individually.

flagdescriptionpossible valuesdefault value
areaDefines, if the region could be conquerallow / denydeny
periodDefine a period in seconds and the delay between each earn moneyInteger90
durationNumber of periods before becoming neutral
(if 0 it never become neutral)
time-catchDelay in seconds before capturing the areaInteger30
money-amountMoney earned after each periodInteger0
ffaif set true, groups' players are allowed to capture the area for their own profittrue / falsefalse

In the option catchgroups all groups will be listed, which are allowed to conquer the region.

Config file

CatchMe uses one configuration file for one world in YAML format. This files are stored under the path [ServerRootFolder]/plugins/catchme/worlds/[WorldName]/regions.yml

                        flags: {catching-area: allow/deny, catching-duration: Integer, catching-period: Integer, catching-time-catch: Integer, catching-money-amount: Integer, catching-flag: true/false}
                        catchgroups: [group1, group2]

Example file

                        flags: {catching-area: allow, catching-period: 10, catching-time-catch: 5, catching-duration: 0}
                        catchgroups: [TheConquers, GCM-Minecraft]
                        flags: {catching-area: deny, catching-duration: 30}

With this configuration the groups TheConquers and GCM-Minecraft could occupy the region ConquerCity. The region ImpregnableCity couldn't conquer from eyerone, so it could be an save city for PvP uninterested players.