Conquer and defend regions

Conquer a region

To conquer a region you or your faction must be first allowed to conquer it. The following conditions must be fulfilled:

  1. If the list of possible conquerors (flag catchgroups) is set, your faction must be listed
  2. If the region has necessary regions (flag necessary-regions), your faction or member of it must control all of them
  3. If the region is already controlled and if the region is not flagged as free-for-all (flag catch-ffa), your faction must be an enemy of the controlling faction

If you fulfilled all these conditions, you have only to enter the region and wait a specified time (flag catching-time). If no defender (see the section below), or other attacker, which is not in your own faction, enter the region while you are waiting, you got a message in the chat, that you successfully conquered the region.

Defend a region

If someone start to occupy one region, which is controlled by you or your faction, you get a warning message in the chat. The only thing to do is, that you also enter the region. Than the try of conquering would be breaked instantly and furthermore you could kill the attacker, of course. ;-)

Further, members of allied factions of the controlling faction get also the warning message and could defend the region by enter it. So it would be helpfully to get friends, which could defend the region, if no one of your faction member is online.


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