
This plugin allows factions to conquer WorldGuard regions by occupy them. You only need to enter the region, if no defender is there and wait a specified time. The idea of this plugin is from Scorpia.

Now the plugin is completly recoded and has some nice new features.


  • conquer a WorldGuard region by occupy it
  • interrupt a conquering process, whilst you enter your region too
  • define which factions could occupy which region
  • send information message, if an region would be conquered
  • give the permission to build in a conquered region
  • gain money for holding regions
  • define dependencies, to make complex concatenated conquests
  • using the factions of the plugin Factions
  • using the WorldGuard flag API
  • let a player conquer a region instead of a faction
  • and much more...


To give the members of a controlling faction the ability to build in the region, you will give all members of a faction the permission group.{factionname}. So all members of the faction HuntersHateCreepers needs the permission group.HuntersHateCreepers. This is from WorldGuard, which can not recognize fractions as owner.

Configuration & commands

This plugin has no own commands. The configuration of the regions is by WorldGuard, so you only need the flag command of WorldGuard. In later version, it would possible, that I add a configuration with the default values.

Planed features

  • show a countdown while occupy a region
  • show an information about which defenders are in the region
  • decreasing time depending on count of team's players
  • set the conqueror only as the member and not as the owner of the region
  • add a capture the flag option (destroy a special block in the region)
  • first kill some defender (players or npcs) before occupy the region
  • add a effect by conquering a region


If you want to support us to develop more those usefull, nice and funny plugins, feel free to donate here.


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More information

[ Conquer and defend regions | Configure regions | For Developers ]


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 22, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Feb 22, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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