Block that Recipe!
Now with 100% more furnace support!
This plugin does NOT support Tekkit!
BanRecipe is a plugin designed to stop certain people from using certain recipes, stop certain people from enchanting certain things and stop people from smelting certain things. It is designed as an improvement over other plugins such as NoCraft, as this plugin allows you to block individuals using permissions.
A BukkitPerms Manager (e.g. PermissionsEx or PermissionsBukkit) - Not required, but greatly improves functionality
- Allows items listed in the config to to be blocked from crafting!
- Items can have permissions that allow users to still be able to craft blocked items. Items can share permissions (that means less clutter in your permissions.yml)!
- Does not affect the ability to have or spawn the item, only craft it. Very useful for RP servers with group specific traits.
- Customisable message sent to user trying to craft.
- Allows specific enchantments to be blocked from use with customisable message!
- Permissions allows for control of enchantments too.
- No need for Spout or any other external plugin!
- Allow certain items to be blocked from smelting - stop people ever making gold ingots again!
I would like to make it clear that I do not officially support mods. While my plugin should work with most mods, some mods don't, the mods this plugin are not compatible with are included in the list below:
- Tekkit
How to use the Plugin
Make sure to read up on how to use the plugin before you download!
Server Owners:
- Config...
- Permissions...
- Only command is /banrecipe reload in order to reload config file.
(Enchantments are based in permissions, Craft Items and Furnace Items are based in the config.)
Planned Features
- Potion support (only possibly).
Version 2.0
- FURNACES! FURNACES! YEAH! You can now block smelting items.
- Data value blocking! Now you can block individual wool colours etc.
- New command - /banrecipe reload. This allows you to reload the config without restarting server!
- Added new option to enable/disable enchantment blocking (default=true).
Version 1.0
- Big overhaul of code and config.
- Spout support dropped
- Enchantment blocking
- New method of recipe blocking
- BanRecipeHook API merged into code.
Version 0.4
- Changed from Permissions 3 to SuperPerms
Special Thanks
@Afforess and the rest of the @SpoutDev - Greatly helped with this project. Everyone else who helped in the thread I posted regarding help :p
I literally cannot figure out how to use this plugin, I swear I have it but nothing works, or it's just broken
how do i use this plugin for mod recipes
Can you possible add a feature to turn the blacklist into a whitelist? I'm kind of tired of inputting every item that could possibly be obtained in my server.
For some reason people on my server can't use oak wood when they bring up their inventory, everything else works fine.
This does not ban recipes in CB 1.7.9.
Please update!
@Zantom07 @Trustinlies i hope so, this plugin is my last hope to get my server running until deadline ends i will try it tomorrow, and i hope to read some good news from you ;)
Should do. Try it out and if there are any problems let me know.
Hi, I know this doesnt say its for 1.7 but does it work in 1.7? Have some things I need to block before my server launch.
The config option for 'none' doesn't work. Can you fix this?
I'm not sure this plugin is what you are looking for. If you want to ban crafting completely, there are other methods out there.
To answer your question, no there isn't.
Is there a way in this plugin to ban all items from being crafted without having to type every individual item id in?
I know it is a collection of mods. I could call it a mod pack, but then again what I call Tekkit has no bearing on the user's experience with, or ability to obtain, this plugin. If anything actually adversely affects the user I'll change it immediately.
Appreciate the thought though! :)
With all respect sir, Tekkit IS NOT a mod itself, it's a mod pack, a collection of mods. So either list all the mods that are part of tekkit, or correct yourself and say that tekkit is a mod pack. That is, of course, if you care.
Honestly, I don't know! You should try it out and let me know (also tell me what mod you use).
Just curious, I currently use essentials anti-build permissions to keep certain "classes" on my server from crafting stuff from mods outside their class. But there is a way around it if they use a modded crafting table. Does this mod prevent recipes from being crafted in modded crafting tables?
Can you please WRITTEN_BOOK banrecipe :)? i add input config - 387
but doesn't work
sorry my bad english.
I'm trying to block crafting beacons on my server. I think i did the config right but for some reason people can still craft beacons
BanMessage: You cannot craft %%MATERIAL%%!
EnchantmentBanMessage: You were not granted %%ENCHANTMENT%%!
EnchantmentBlockingEnabled: false
FurnaceBanMessage: You cannot smelt %%MATERIAL%%!
- 138
- 399
Scholar and a Saint, fixed it flawlessly thank you. Silly error on my part :I
Thanks for giving me all the info! (you wouldn't believe how many people tell me they have a problem and don't give me the error picture)
I have a feeling that your problem is that you have deleted furnace from your config. Check:
if you are unsure how to fix this, but if you don't want to block any furnace things just put '- 0' after 'furnace:' (i.e. air)
Hey, having a huge issue, hope someone can help. This is the only issue on my server now - I've fixed all other bugs thus far. I am not .jar savvy - nor savvy in any way shape or form at creating/fixing plugins. But Google has been my best friend. Nothing is showing me how to fix this however. The plugin seems to be working just fine - as in it blocks all of that which I have set to block and I cannot find anything wrong with it, but this still makes me nervous? Let me know if there's something I need to do or something. (including 2 links to the picture... not sure if this is going to work, help me out first post)