What is AutoMessage?
AutoMessage is an easy to use chat scheduler plugin. It is a plugin perfect for server admins who would like to announce broadcasts at configurable intervals. The plugin features a rich in-game config editor as well as the ability to edit the config from the disk. The plugin is designed to be very lightweight and cause no impact on server resources! The plugin is updated within days of new releases to ensure complete up-to-date server compatibility! Check out the plugin review here!
- Fully configurable configuration!
- Rich in-game config editor!
- Quick and painless reloading!
- Option to randomize broadcasts!
- Color code support!!
- Run commands in your messages!
Just drag and drop into your plugins folder then restart or reload your server! Simple!
Usage and Information:
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
This plugin features an update command which will check if you are running the latest build and download the update to the plugin folder if it not currently installed. You are required to trigger the command manually and you must restart or reload the server for changes to take effect.
Thanks to my donators!
- TheFarmerNL from
By the way, this plugin works with the following,
Spigot 1.8.*
Spigot 1.9.*
Spigot 1.10.*
Spigot 1.11.*
Spigot 1.12.*
Spigot 1.13.*
Spigot 1.14.*
Spigot 1.15.*
Spigot 1.16.*
PurPur 1.16.*
Spigot 1.17.*
PurPur 1.17.*
Spigot 1.18.*
Purpur 1.18.*
Spigot 1.19
I would know because that's how long I've been using it XD
This plugin can may have a bug, that is don´´ ´t show to other member the Messages and the developer forget to give that permission, to all members can see the message give the permission:
Este plugin tem um bug, bem não diria um bug más sim o desenvolvedor esqueceu de colocar a permissão para que outros membros pudessem ver as mensagens configuradas no AutoMessage, eu fiquei basicamente tentar descobrir a permissão aí que do nada consegui né kkkkkkkkkkkkk
A permissão é:
hello i need help, i put the permission in the group´s users but they dont see the messages
what is the permission ? i use automessage.receive.json
Bug: long messages get their color reset on every line, so I thought I'd just add the color code again before the next line, but if you change gui sizes, the decolorization comes up again.
So you get messages that are half colored.
nice plugin
Is There A Way To Make Other People See It Not Just Operators?
In reply to dubsrocks88:
give them the permission "automessage.receive.regular"
upd to 1.13.1 please!
In reply to danechek:
plugin works fine 1.13+
great plugin! been using this since 2012.
however, only OP's receive the automessage! is there a permission?
In reply to MrBlueMan:
Same. 2012
Somwthing happened to the plugin? Stopped working
Is it possible to make the json messages, with more lines? So that I can use ---- above the text or something.
pls make 1.12
Is it possible to set message to display on specific time every day? For example every day at 20:00 (8 p.m)