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Member for 14 years, 7 months, and 23 days
Last active Tue, Apr, 2 2013 14:11:38
70 Total Posts
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Proper nutrition leads to performance improvements.
Log player time and activities online (MySQL/SQLite)
MySQL/SQLite simplified API and DB Config
Allows user to rate and comment structures in the Minecraft world
Create programs to control a robot to build structures or mine for you
No files released.
A generic data storage framework for cross plugin functionality.
No files released.
Allows players to launch sheep and other enitities from a predifined location with pre set velocity into the world
No files released.
Place kiosks in the world with image and descriptiopn GUI. Use to create a museum etc.
No files released.
Allowa players to create and use all new crafting system
No files released.
A generic tool organizing keybindings and user interface elements across plugins.
No files released.
Import image files into Minecraft world
No files released.
Import .obj files into the Minecraft world
No files released.
Enables servers to prompt players configurable surveys to provide feedback to the server admins.
No files released.
Create regions that apply velocity or acceleration to players
No files released.
RegenBlock beta 2.2 - Regenerate destroyed blocks on a timer