


  • General information
  • What you can do with this plugin
  • Things to edit in config
  • Installguide
  • (short) user manual
  • Planned features
  • Bug report

General information:

Developers of this plugin are eitorf and Verci_.
The idea was to make a plugin that allow you to build some island where the players are forced to stay and build.
We are working in europe (timezone GMT + 1) so please don´t expected an answer to your comment within 2 hours.
We try to answer every comment and fix every bug you post. If you find any bugs please post them in this thread with the current version you choose so we are able to fix it.

What you can do with this plugin: Noswimming is a simple plugin forcing you not to swim, or to move over a configurable block.
Every time you walk/jump into water (or any other configurable block) you get the damage that is set in the config file.
This plugin is great if you want players to stay in a certain place (for example an island) or just want to have something different difficulty in your game. At version 1.2.0 or above we implement an economy function. For using this you have to install Vault and any economy plugin that is compatible with Vault (for example EssentialsEconomy). If you don´t use Vault you can´t use this function of noswimming. Other features are the set of 'clean' zones or the neutralisation of an area.

Things you can edit: (Short form)

- The block, player receives damage
- The amount of damage
- The Time-delay between damage
- The message sends to player while walking over the block
- The time-delay to absorb one block
- set 'clean' time zones
if you have installed an economy-plugin an vault:
- penalty for moving in water
- baseprice for neutralisation
- price per block for neutralisation
- losing level for the ability to swim for a time
- losing "fuel" for the ability to swim for a time
- ...

There is a long form of this at the userguidepage.

How to install NoSwimming:

- Download the latest File from NoSwimming
- Simply drag and drop the noswimming.jar to your pluginsfolder at your server
- if you download the .zip file extract it in your "plugins" folder
- Reload your server
- NoSwimming should be enabled and print a message in console

If you have questions just post as comment, thanks!

(short) user manual:


Region neutralisation:
- /nsw <X-coordinate 1st point> <Z-coordinate 1st point> <X-coordinate 2nd point> <Z-coordinate 2nd point>
- /noswimming <X-coordinate 1st point> <Z-coordinate 1st point> <X-coordinate 2nd point> <Z-coordinate 2nd point>


- noswimming.allow (allows you to swim in water without getting hurt [for admins])
- nsw.clean (allows you to clean a region)
Long form of this at the userguidepage.

Planned features:

- waiting for your ideas, pls post in comments

Bug report

Pls report bugs or errors if you find any.
Do it like the following example:

NoSwimming version:
Javaversion my server is running:
Bug, problem:
Error message: (useful, but not required)

If you report errors, bugs like this it is much easier for us to help you, thanks.

Our other plugins:





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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 7, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 18, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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