detailed userguide



  • Things to edit (long form)
  • Commands
  • Permissions
  • How to make regions clean (offline/online)
  • 'Clean' timezones
  • Economy function - Installguide
  • How to install NoSwimming
  • Changelog

Things to edit (long form):

Config: (with commets)

# Turn it on/off if you want to get damaged when you moved in water or at the configurable block
damage_in_water: true

# You be teleported to your last position out of water or the configurable block if it´s true. 
# Else you should turn the damage on.
teleport_out_of_water: false

# If you want time zones when players can swim just set 'on' to true
  'on': false  # default false
  # set the begin of a 'clean' time (minecrafttime: day: 0 -16.000; night: 16.001 - 24.000)
  begin: 16000
  # set the end of a 'clean' time
  end: 23000

# The damage you recived when walking over the cofigurable block in half-hearts
damage: 4 # Default damage is for example two hearts.

# The message sends to the player who walked over the configurable block
message: You can not swim!

# The time delay between the damage in seconds (since 1.1.0)
time_between_damage: 1

# Standing on this block hurts the player or teleports him back, whatever you choose.
# Default is 9 (=Water), every block is possible.
blockid: 9

# you can allow boats to drive over the water, at default it is not possible to drive with boats.
allow_boat: false

# Time you have to wait before a zone is neutral, so you ca walk through (or swim :D ).
# Time in seconds, default setting is 1 block in 1 second.
# A 40 * 40 square for example needs (at default) 1600*1 = 1600 sec to be neutral (it takes around 26 min)
neutralisationtime_for_one_block: 1

# This part is only interesting for you if you have installed Vault and an economyplugin
# If you didn´t install Vault and an economyplugin, leave this default
# Only put in numbers that are positive or 0 (if you dont want to pay something) 

Money: #(since 1.2.0)
  # The baseprice is the base price you have to pay for a neutralisation.
  # The price is the same, it doesn´t matter if you neutral 1 or 100 blocks
  base_price: 10

  # You have to pay this for 1 block you want to be neutral.
  # For example: You want 100 blocks to be neutral, so you have to pay the baseprice (10) + the price per block (1) * number of blocks(100) =
  # 10 + 1 * 100 = 110
  price_per_block: 1

  # The penalty you have to pay if you walk in the water.
  penalty: 10

level: #(since 1.3.0)

# if it is true and you have level/ xp, you lose them when you are in the water, but you wont hurt
  allow_swimming: false

# in seconds; interval of losing x levels
  time_between_losing: 10

#losing level per time interval when you are in the water
# example: you have 2 levels. now you go into the water, so you lose 1 level and after 10 seconds another level.
# if you are 10 seconds more in the water without having levels, you will be hurt or teleported
  lose_level_per_tick: 1

# Allows you to use "fuel" to swim (since 1.3.1)
  # enables fuel, if you have fuel enabled and the lvl function, the fuel is used until it´s empty then the lvls are used
  allow_swimming: false
  # set the "fuel" to a specific Itemid, default Woodenplanks (5)
  item: 5
  # Set the time (in sec) between losing the fuel
  time_between_losing: 1
  # Set the amount of fuel losing per tick
  amount_per_tick: 1


Region neutralisation:
- /nsw <X-coordinate 1st point> <Z-coordinate 1st point> <X-coordinate 2nd point> <Z-coordinate 2nd point>
- /noswimming <X-coordinate 1st point> <Z-coordinate 1st point> <X-coordinate 2nd point> <Z-coordinate 2nd point>


- noswimming.allow (allows you to swim in water without getting hurt [for admins])
- nsw.clean (allows you to clean a region)

How to make regions "clean" :

  • Get regions clean without being online (if you are the server host):

1. Drive to the noswimming folder. Then open regions.txt
2. Every four numbers represent a region.
first number: x-coordinate of the first point
2nd number: z-coordinate of the first point
3rd number: x-coordinate of the 2nd point
4th number: z-coordinate of the 2nd point
3. Edit the numbers so they represent your specific region.
4. Save it
5. Reload your server
6. All points between the coordinates (it generate a rectangle [y-coordinate from 0 to 256]) are now clean . You can swim there.

  • Get regions clean if your online:

1. Make sure you have permissions (nsw.clean)
2. Type /nsw (or /noswimming) <X-coordinate 1st point> <Z-coordinate 1st point> <X-coordinate 2nd point> <Z-coordinate 2nd point>
3. Make sure the arguments are right and represent your region.
4. Wait for the message that the region is absorbed.

'Clean' time zones:

This new function is released in version 1.2.0. Now you are able to set 'clean' time zones. That means at some times (for example at night) players are able to walk into water without getting hurt or teleported back. At default this option is disabled, if you enable it the default time zone is set to night. A minecraft day goes from 0 to 24000. You can set the begin to every number between this (for example to 16000 [this is the beginning of the night]). To configure the end of this 'clean' period just set the end at the same way as the beginning.


This is a new function of noswimming since version 1.2.0. You now have the choice to implemet an economyplugin that interact with noswimming.
So you are able to set a penalty when someone walked into the water (or at the configered block). You also can set a price for the neutralisation of an area according to the amount of blocks. Or you can just set a baseprice if you want. View the config (with comments) for more information.

- Make sure you installed Vault on your server
- Install an economyplugin of your own choice that is compatible with Vault
- Install noswimming version 1.2.0 or above (downloadlink at the main page)
- Set the config of noswimming as you want
- start your server and it should work

How to install NoSwimming:

- Download the latest File from NoSwimming
- Simply drag and drop the noswimming.jar to your pluginsfolder at your server
- if you download the .zip file extract it in your "plugins" folder
- Reload your server
- NoSwimming should be enabled and print a message in console


1.3.1: (date 08/27/12) added fuel system

1.3.0: (date: 08/26/12) added level-system

1.2.3: (date: 08/23/12) bugfix caused of false java version

1.2.2: Added: regions.txt is now automatic created, when noswimming starts first
(date: 08/22/12)

1.2.1: remove prefix before the messages
(date: 08/21/12)

1.2.0: updating to 1.3.2
including Economy
(date: 08/20/12)

1.1.3: updating to 1.3.1 R1.0
faster teleportation out of the water
(date: 8/14/12)

1.1.2: teleportation out of water improvement
(date: 7/30/12)

1.1.1: users can clean up water with the command /nsw <x-coordinate of 1st point><z-coordinate of 1st point><x-coordinate of 2nd point <z-coordinate of 2nd point>or /noswimming with the same atributes
ability to delay cleaning up regions (per block in config)
you can be teleported out of water
(date: 7/29/12)

1.1.0: spam-bug fixed;
ever killed-bug fixed;
creates new regions the water is clean (you wont be hurt in this regions);
(date: 7/29/12)

1.0: plugin released
(date: 7/7/12)

~ Verci_