WorldGuard Command Region

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

WorldGuard Command Region

Allow your user to create their own protected WorldGuard region

Let them create their own protected plots


WHEN YOU UPDATE FROM 1.0.0 DELETE THE "WorldGuard Command Region" FOLDER!

Did you ran out of plots in your city and don't have time to add new ones? Then WorldGuard Command Region is the right plugin for you! WorldGuard Command Region allows your players to create their own regions/plots wherever they want to. This allows your players to build in a more natural environment with e.g. awesome hills and not in a giant flat city. Even though you save time when you don't have to create new plots for them.


  • Users can create their own protected WorldGuard region/plot
  • Let the user define the size of his region
  • The price depends on the size of the region
  • Regions a player doesn't own can't be overlaped by his region
  • Set a maximum of regions a user can have
  • Set a material that surrounds the region (default: fence)
  • Disable region creation in some worlds
  • Item and currency based economy support
  • Let the user calculate the price before creating the region

Required plugins:



Video (german):



  1. Place WgCmdRegion.jar in your plugins folder
  2. Restart the server
  3. Edit the config (see below)
  4. Restart the server again
  5. Enjoy!


# Maximum amount of regions a player can own. Set to 0 for no limit
max_regions: 10

# Maximum size for a region. Set to 0 for no limit
max_region_size: 50

# ID of the material that surrounds the region
surrounding_material_id: 85

# Price for a 1x1 block row from sky to bedrock(1x256x1) can be smaller then 1 (will be rounded) 
# E.g. block_price: 0.2 ; 21x256x21 region would cost 88 (88,2 rounded)
block_price: 1

# Use item economy = true | Use currency economy = false
item_economy: true

# Item ID for item based economy
item_currency_id: 266

# Worlds where a region can't be created
- world_nether
- world_the_end


  • /cmdregion create <size> - Creates a region with the given size around the player
  • /cmdregion add <player> - Adds a player to your region
  • /cmdregion remove <player> - Removes a player from your region
  • /cmdregion calculate <size> - Calculates the price for a region with the given size
  • /cmdregion reload - Reloads the config


  • cmdregion.create - Allows access to "/cmdregion create"
  • cmdregion.add - Allows access to "/cmdregion add"
  • cmdregion.remove - Allows access to "/cmdregion remove"
  • cmdregion.calculate - Allows access to "/cmdregion calculate"
  • cmdregion.reload - Allows access to "/cmdregion reload"

Planned features:

Will be implemented in next update

  1. Make messages editable + colour codes
  2. Permissions for different region sizes/ amount limits (e.g. VIP bigger regions)
  3. First region for free
  4. Region price increases by amount of regions a player owns
  5. Player is asked to create a region when placing his first block
  6. Make region height and depth defineable in /cmdregion create
  7. Allow region owners to add WorldGuard flags to their region
  8. Add "/cmdregion info" command to show region information

Any more suggestions?

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 10, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 31, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License

