This is a complex plugin with complex functions. So sometimes it will not do what you want or it will not do what you think about to do. Therefor I have some general questions and answers documented:

Why I have no permission to build a region !

You have not the permissions from herostronghold region. The op must give you the permission for every region like :

  • herostronghold.create.<regionname>

or for all regions

  • herostronghold.create.all

see also HeroStronghold

What mean clean for colonist ?

The clean or prepare site is necessary to make a nice settlement and the taken blocks are given to the warehouse of the new settlement.

Also this option is necessary to build settlements in underground. the colonist make a cave of 21 x 21 x 21 size for the new settlement.

Why I cant create a Colonist ?

Colonist are only create as OP in beta phases. Please ask a OP to create one for you. Then you can use it . For commands see colonist

Why I need a economy plugin ?

Without virtual money from a economy the settlements cannot trade. "money make the world go around ! " this is also true in Realms.

Why some items/blocks are not traded in the market?

For this malfunction are several reasons possible :

  • You have not enough stock in warehouse, the automatic trader only sell items above minimum stock
  • You have no price in your pricelist. see pricelist in chat with command with /reams pricelist

Why I cant open any door

Why I can not set any block in a settlement ?

This is the protection system of HeroStronghold. Also it protect against OP without a member or the owner of a region or superregion. But as OP you can give yourself these rights. see /hs addmember

There are several reason for that :

  • You are not the owner of the settlement !
  • You are not a member of the settlement !
  • Only the owner or an OP can make you as member to a Settlement
  • Earn reputation in the settlement and acquire a building. Then you are a member of the settlement and can build and destroy

Also it protect against OP without a member or the owner of a region or superregion. But as OP you can give yourself these rights. see /hs addmember

Is there possibility to compatible that with Factions?

No, it is not possible at this time.

Faction is a area claiming and area protection plugin.

Because there are no building and production recipe defined, it is not possible to integrate Faction into settlement.

The recipe are get from the HeroStronghold region and superregion definition.

Why the SuperRegions always disabled?

corespond to Beta Installation 0.8.2

The superregion of Herostronghold have multiple conditions for stay alive.

  • power > 0
  • balance > 0

In the Basic Installation the balance of the superegions which are created by Realms have balance set. it is 1000.0. But the daily-ouput-money has a value of -10.0 . This is the reason why balance fall after 1 day (Realtime) under 0.0 and the superregions will be destroyed or disabele automaticly.


  1. give money to the superregion /hs deposit x.x <superregionName>
  2. set the daily-output-money in the superregion config of HAMLET to 0.0

In the next full release this will be corrected. fgixed since 0.9.x

How i can earn reputation ?

The reputation will give to you in each settlement seperatly. You can :

  • DONATE items/blocks to the settlement
  • When you DONATE required items, you get double reputation points
  • BUY, the settlement buy items from you
  • SELL , sthe settlement sell items to you

What can i do with reputation ?

The reputation is the currency of the settlement to trust in you. With reputation points you can:

  • ACQUIRE buildings (HOME, HOUSE)
  • ASUME a settlement and be the owner

What is a realms achivement ?

The achivements of Minecraft can not be extended. So i defined my own achivements. Like in Minecraft vanilla you get a achivement for doing something well. In realms you build up the buildings and earn achivements.

A group of building-achivements are a techlevel. A technlevel give you building rights. Basicly you need


when build all the buildings then you get

  • TECH1 , HALL, BAKERY and the permission to founding a HAMLET


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