Tutorial: WorldGuard mine


WorldGuard Mine

Coal Mine

The idea:

You have a premade mine with ores that should regenerate after their configured amount of time, players should only be abled to mine the ores

Ingredients for this mine:

Step 1: Install all the plugins in the list above

Step 2: Get your config right

Open the OreRegenerator config.yml and make sure the value of "mode" is set to flag

#The mode determines how the plugin works, if set to global it will regerate ores globally, if set to flag it will only respawn ores in regions where the flag "respawn" is set to allow
mode: flag

Step 3: Setting up the region

  1. Select your region with your worldedit wand and define it with /region define mine
  2. Set the passthrough flag to allow with /region flag mine passthrough allow
  3. Protect your mine with /region flag mine deny-break any and /region flag mine deny-place any
  4. Enable OreRegenerator in your mine with /region flag mine regen-ores allow
  5. Allow players to mine the ores with /region flag allow-break redstone_ore, glowing_redstone_ore, coal_ore (basically all the ores you have in that mine)
  6. Done


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