
Configuring olyChat

The module olyChat is the beast of this plugin. All other modules revolve around its configuration, so make sure you do it correctly! An olyChat configuration is made up of the following five attributes:

  1. NameColor - The person's name and prefix. Use %name to represent the name of the person.
  2. SeparatorColor - The color of the person's name-to-chat separator.
  3. SeparatorType - The type of separator between the person's name and chat. Visit THIS page for a list of available Separator Types.
  4. ChatColor - The color of the user's chat message
  5. Preset - Only a User may possess this attribute. If it is set, it will search the presets for a match. If found, it will use the preset's definition of the above four attributes and use them. If not found, it will revert the player's colors to default. There are several different things that can have these four attributes:


If there is a user attribute definition for the player, it will automatically not search for a Default or for a Preset. Defined via the path "olyChat.Users.%name"


If there is not a Users attribute definition for the player, it will then check if there is a preset designated for the player at the pay "olyChat.Users.%name.Preset" If it can finds a value, it searches "olyChat.Presets.%preset" for the preset's name. If it finds it, the preset's attributes are used for the player.


Defaults is the, you guess it, default for a player. If they do not have a custom configuration or a preset that is configured, it will revert to this. If you do not have a default defined, chat will break for anyone who does not have one of the two above options. Defined via the path "olyChat.Defaults"


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