
MyZ is grounded on its idea of realism. Even zombies have some senses, and MyZ does its best to represent that. In a player's lifetime, they must be careful when dealing with the various undead in the world.

The player's experience bar is replaced by a visibility bar. While in-game, this visibility bar is being constantly updated to reflect how visible they are to MyZ mobs. Each action they do directly effects the level of the bar at a configurable value. When configuring these values (in settings.yml), keep in mind that each value is associated with how many individual bar segments it fills or clears. In the world, each segment of experience that is filled represents two blocks a zombie can see that player from.

Many actions can be configured to change how significantly each event alters the visibility bar. The actions that each mob interpret are as follows:

  • Hearing chests open (or doors, trapdoors, pressing buttons, stepping on pressure plates)
  • Hearing arrows fired
  • Seeing movement/jumping/sprinting
  • Hearing damage
  • Smelling bleeding
  • Seeing a landed arrow or snowball
  • Hearing an explosion
  • Seeing a burning player
  • Hearing chat
  • Seeing a player wearing a zombie head
  • Smelling zombie flesh (in a player's hand)

There are also environmental factors that come into account such as:

  • Time of day (prevents mobs from seeing players walking)
  • Weather (prevents mobs from hearing chat/arrow fire/any redstone item being activated/taking damage and seeing arrows/snowballs land)


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