
Engineering is a unique new feature in MyZ that allows players to upgrade their gear by making use of customized anvil interfaces. The following items can be upgraded:

Grappling Hooks

  1. Weak - This tier will not pull players up sharp inclines
  2. Normal
  3. Lightweight - This tier will remove fall damage immediately following a grapple


  1. Broken
  2. Cracked
  3. Slack
  4. Normal
  5. Reinforced
  6. Precise - Anything at or above this tier will grant extra headshot damage
  7. Sharpened


  1. Shattered
  2. Devastated
  3. Broken
  4. Weakened
  5. Dull
  6. Normal
  7. Sharpened
  8. Tempered


  1. Devastated
  2. Broken
  3. Weakened
  4. Normal
  5. Reinforced
  6. Fortified
  7. Ornate

Items can not only be upgraded, but also broken down into their raw resources. Items break down intuitively (ie. an iron axe becomes iron ingots, chainmail helmets become iron links, etc.)

Upgrading and reducing are both done in an anvil inventory. To upgrade an item, simply place the item being upgraded in the left slot and its components in the right slot. To reduce an item, simply put it in the third slot (usually the result slot) and its components will appear on the left.

This example shows an iron sword being upgraded with it's component, iron ingots, to advance it from Normal tier to Sharpened tier.

This example shows a diamond chestplate being reduced to its components, 4 diamonds.


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