
The global limiter.yml config contains global settings for MobManagers Limiter component

# MobManager Limiter Global Config 2.5a
# NOTES ----------------------------------------------------------------|
# MobTypes:
#    Monsters:       Blaze, Creeper, Enderman, Giant,
#                    Silverfish, Skeleton, WitherSkeleton, Spider,
#                    CaveSpider, Witch, Wither, Zombie, PigZombie,
#                    Ghast, Slime, MagmaCube
#     Animals:       Chicken, Cow, MushroomCow, Ocelot,
#                    Pig, Sheep, Wolf, IronGolem, Snowman
#     Water_Animals: Squid
#     Ambient:       Bat
#     Villager:      Villager
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------|
# #######################################################################
# EnabledWorlds
# #######################################################################
# List of all the worlds which MobManagers Limiter is active in
# MobManagers Limiter will not have any effect on worlds not listed here
# #######################################################################
# DisableWarnings
# #######################################################################
# If true some unimportant warnings are disabled
#     to prevent console from being filled
# NOTE: Warnings which are removed 'should' not
#     happen at all. They also should not prevent
#     MobManger from functioning properly
# #######################################################################
# IgnoreCreativePlayers
# #######################################################################
# If true MobManager will not track the movements of players in
#     creative mode. This means that Mobs will not spawn near
#     players which are in creative mode.
#     (Unless there are other players nearby not in creative mode)
# #######################################################################
# UseAsyncDespawnScanner
# #######################################################################
# If true MobManager will scan for mobs to despawn in a separate thread
#     leaving more CPU time for your server to run
# 	(Helps prevent tick-rate lag)
# WARNING: This feature is in beta, it has not been thoroughly tested
#     for bugs.
#     It may produce some errors (Should only effect Mob despawning)
#     Use at your own risk.
# WARNING: If this is enabled Plugin Integration with EpicBossRecoded
#     will not work.
# #######################################################################
# RemoveTamedAnimals
# #######################################################################
# If false MobManager will never despawn any animals which have been
#     tamed by a player.
# #######################################################################
# CountTamedAnimals
# #######################################################################
# If false MobManager will not count tamed animals towards Animal limits
# #######################################################################
# EnableAnimalDespawning
# #######################################################################
# If false MobManager will never despawn Animals
# If true MobManager will run as normal
# #######################################################################
# DaysTillFarmAnimalCleanup
# #######################################################################
# Number in Days (Real Time Days)
# When a player feeds an animal (Attempts to breed it) or when a animal
#     is bred, it is marked with the time the event occurred.
#     The animal will not despawn until this time is more than
# 	'DaysTillFarmAnimalCleanup'
# Example: DaysTillFarmAnimalCleanup: 1
#     After breeding my Sheep they will not despawn, not matter what
# 	unless I do not feed them for a full day (Real time)
# SideNote: Kind of brings in a hunger kind of thing with animals :)
#     PreeCool IMO
# #######################################################################
# ProtectedFarmAnimalSaveInterval
# #######################################################################
# Positive number in Ticks (20 ticks == 1 second)
# This setting is used to determine how often in ticks
#     the last interact times for animals are saved to a file.
# NOTE: This setting is directly related to DaysTillFarmAnimalCleanup
# #######################################################################
# TicksPerRecount
# #######################################################################
# How often (In ticks, 20 ticks = 1 second) the mobs
#     in a world is allowed to be recounted
# MobManager keeps track of the mob count by listening for deaths of
#     mobs. Sometimes this count can not be accurate, so mobs are
#     recounted. 
# NOTE: MobManager also can't count mobs which are removed
#     by other plugins (Depending on how its done)
#     So decreasing this count will also decrease the time it
#     takes for mobs to respawn
# #######################################################################
# TicksPerDespawnScan
# #######################################################################
# How often in ticks the mob despawn scan is run.
# The mob despawn scan checks all the mobs currently
#     currently alive in each world to check if
#     players are nearby, if they are not they are despawned
# NOTE: Animals are only despawned if there are enough animals
#     inside of the one chunk. This number can be controlled
#     via your world config files
# #######################################################################
# MinTicksLivedForDespawn
# #######################################################################
# This value is used by the Despawn Scanner to determine if a mob is old
#     enough to be despawned.
# Value is in Ticks (20 Ticks = 1 Second)
# If a mob has been alive for less than this value they will
#     not be despawned.
# Hint: If you remove checks for a given spawn reason,
#       mobs which are allowed to spawn can be despawned very quickly
#       If you notice this happening, increasing this value will fix
#       the problem
# #######################################################################
# DisabledMobs
# #######################################################################
# A string list of all the mobs which will not be allowed to
#     spawn if they are spawning naturally
# If a mob is spawned with a spawn egg or via another plugin
#     they will still be counted towards the mob cap
# Valid Mobs can be found at the top of config.yml
# #######################################################################
# IgnoredMobs
# #######################################################################
# A string list of all the mobs which will be:
#     - Ignored when that mob is spawned
#       i.e. The mob will not contribute to the mob counts
#       Nor will it be prevented from spawning
#     - Ignored when a despawn task is run
#       i.e. Mobs which will not be despawned by MobManager
# Valid Mobs can be found at the top of config.yml
# #######################################################################
# EnabledSpawnReasons
# #######################################################################
# When a Mob spawns, it is spawned with a given 'SpawnReason'
#     This list defines which of those 'SpawnReasons' that MobManager
# 	will check for.
# If a mob spawns with a listed 'SpawnReason' it will be checked to make
#     sure that it does not breach the mob limits
# Hint: If you want more mobs spawning from MobSpawners you can remove
#       'SPAWNER' from EnabledSpawnReasons
# Note: By default only Natural Spawns are checked
# Valid spawn reasons can be found here:
# #######################################################################
# DespawnSearchDistance
# #######################################################################
# When a mob spawns MobManager searches for players
#     around the mob. If it finds a player within range
#     the mob is allowed to spawn.
# DespawnSearchDistance is the distance in blocks around
#     the spawned mob which MobManager will check for players
# Used as a default for worlds which have
#     invalid values set for the same setting
# #######################################################################
# DespawnSearchHeight
# #######################################################################
# When a mob spawns MobManager searches for players
#     around the mob. If it finds a player within range
#     the mob is allowed to spawn.
# DespawnSearchDistance is the distance in blocks above and below
#     the spawned mob which MobManager will check for players
# Used as a default for worlds which have
#     invalid values set for the same setting
# #######################################################################
# FlyingMobAditionalBlockDepth
# #######################################################################
# How many extra layers below normal will be checked
#     for players when a flying mob attempts to spawn
# This allows a higher chance for flying mobs to spawn
# #######################################################################

- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
DisableWarnings: true
UseAsyncDespawnScanner: false
IgnoreCreativePlayers: false
RemoveTamedAnimals: false
CountTamedAnimals: true
EnableAnimalDespawning: true
DaysTillFarmAnimalCleanup: 30.0
ProtectedFarmAnimalSaveInterval: 6000
TicksPerRecount: 100
TicksPerDespawnScan: 100
MinTicksLivedForDespawn: 100
DisabledMobs: []
DespawnSearchDistance: 72
DespawnSearchHeight: 24
FlyingMobAditionalBlockDepth: 15


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