

Through the HelpMe plugins config.yml you can setup and fine tune the way HelpMe will work on your server.

When you first run HelpMe a config.yml file will be created that you can modify, reloading the server or the plugin will load the new configuration.

  • itemsPerPage - Set the number of items that are displayed per page when looking at a paged list
  • maxTicketsPerPlayer - Set the maximum number of open tickets a player can have.
  • defaultCommand - Set the default command called when a player does /helpme or /hm.
  • dateTimeFormat - Sets the format of the date using Java date format string
  • checkForUpdates - Checking for updates on startup can be disabled by setting this to false
  • messageFormat: - Each format value will change the way the output of HelpMe is displayed
    • alertMessageFormat
    • canceledTicketFormat
    • claimedTicketFormat
    • closedTicketColour
    • errorMessageFormat
    • infoMessageFormat
    • lineFormat
    • offlineFormat
    • onlineFormat
    • openTicketFormat

Default Config File

#   This sets the number of tickets or bans that will be displayed per page when looking at a list.
itemsPerPage: 10

#   This sets the number of open tickets that a user can have at any one time.
maxTicketsPerPlayer: 5

#   Which command should be run when a user types /helpme or /hm
defaultCommand: check

dateTimeFormat: "yy-MMM-dd HH:mm"

#   Allows you to control the different format of output from the plugin.
#   You don't need to change this but you can tweak it match your servers style
  alertMessageFormat: "&4"
  canceledTicketFormat: "&8&m"
  claimedTicketFormat: "&5"
  closedTicketColour: "&8"
  errorMessageFormat: "&c"
  infoMessageFormat: "&7"
  lineFormat: "&c"
  offlineFormat: "&c"
  onlineFormat: "&a"
  openTicketFormat: "&f"