
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

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HelpMe Plugin v1.3.1

Less chaos, more control, better management!

IMPORTANT: When upgrading from a version older than v1.3.0, after installing the upgrade you must do /hm clean or /hm reset when the server starts.


HelpMe allows users to create tickets that server moderators can respond to. Moderators are able to easily teleport to the location and world were the ticket was created. The advanced permissions system allows for complete control over all aspect of the HelpMe plugin so you can control what different levels of users can do. The plugin allows you to customize the colours and formatting of all messages so that the plugin can match the feel of any server. HelpMe makes use of your servers database through the bukkit.yml file. If you don't have a database, don't worry, bukkit includes a built-in (and default) SQLite server which you can use.


All commands are accessible through a tree based menu. This limits the number of conflicts that you'll experience as well helping users navigate their available commands. Every command in the HelpMe plugin starts with /helpme or /hm.

Check out the Commands section of the wiki for information on the commands available in HelpMe.


Each command in HelpMe plugin is controlled by a permission meaning you can control exactly what each user can do.

Check out the Permissions section of the wiki for more help on all the permissions used by HelpMe.


Through the HelpMe plugins config.yml you can setup and fine tune the way HelpMe will work on your server. When you first run HelpMe a config.yml file will be created that you can modify, reloading the server or the plugin will load the new configuration.

For detailed Configuration help check out the Configuration section of the wiki.

Need Help?

If you need any help please feel free to leave a message on this page or contact us!


We always welcome feedback about our plugins so if you have a suggestion or even just a comment, let us know!

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