
This file is located at plugins/DeathControl/messages.yml and allows you to modify the messages that are sent to the player by the plugin.

Thus, you can translate them in another language or completely disable them.

From v2.0.0, messages on death are defined by yourself with the "message" action and have thus been removed from this file.

The default messages look like this:

  no-cross-world: |
    &4You are in a different world, your items were dropped!

  nothing-stored: |
    &cYou don't have anything stored!
  cancelled: |
    Your stored death was cancelled!
    no-permission: |
      &cYou don't have permission to do that!
    player-context-required: |
      &cYou have to be a player to do this!
    not-enough-arguments: |
      &cYou did not provide enough arguments!
    number-expected: |
      &cA number was expected!
    invalid-player-arg: |
      &cThe given player is not online or does not exist!

  cactus: you died of a cactus
  drowning: you drowned
  explosion: you exploded
  fall: you died of falling
  fallingblock: you died of a falling block
  fire: you died of fire
  firetick: you died of fire
  lava: you died of lava
  lightning: you were struck by lightning
  magic: you were killed by magic
  mob: you were killed by a mob
  monster: you were killed by a monster
  player: you were killed by a player
  poison: you were killed by poison
  starvation: you starved
  suffocation: you suffocated
  suicide: you committed suicide
  thorns: you committed suicide
  void: you died in the void
  wither: you withered away
  unknown: you don't know why you died

What each individual option means should be self-explanatory based on the default values. Messages are only displayed when it makes sense to display them.

Make sure you keep the correct indentions and don't use any tabs when modifying!




The entries in this section are formatted strings that fill the "%death-cause-formatted%" variable.
The applicable cause of a death will be detected and one of the messages selected to fill the variable. That means you can use it for a cause-dependant message.




Colors and formatting can be added to the messages with &-codes (an '&' sign followed by a specific letter or number). You probably know these codes from other plugins, here is a reference:

You should, however, use & instead of ยง in the file (it will be converted correctly automatically), despite what is described on the linked wiki page.



Disabling messages

To completely disable a message, you have to set it to an empty string. Completely removing the option from the file won't work, as it will be regenerated by the plugin.

To empty an option, set it to '' (two apostrophes indicating an empty string).


# ...

  no-cross-world: ''

# ...