
This page contains an overview over all actions.

General information on actions is available on the Configuration page.

keep-items [filter-list] [percentage]

The core action that started this plugin, now only one of many ;)

Prevents the player's items from being dropped and gives them back once it is executed.
The optional "filter-list" is a list-name defined in lists.txt. Only items contained in the list will be kept. The list can be inverted by preceding it with a "!" making it act like a blacklist.
Example: "!valuables"

A "percentage" can additionally be added to keep only ... well ... a percentage of all items. "80%" or "0.8" would mean that 20% are dropped and 80% are kept.

Succeeds: only if after applying the filter and percentage there was something left to keep

keep-experience [percentage] [drop-leftovers]

Saves the current experience level and progress of the player.

Note that the optional percentage is measured in "experience points", not levels. So dying with 100 levels and a percentage of 30% won't result in 30 levels because of the scaling.

If you add "drop-leftovers" after the percentage, the rest of the experience that wasn't kept (scaled down to what would have been dropped by vanilla minecraft) will be dropped instead of destroyed.

Succeeds: always

charge <amount>

Charges the victim the given <amount> of money (using your economy plugin that was made available by either "Vault" or "Register").

Succeeds: only if the victim had enough money to pay

charge <percentage> min=[minimum] max=[maximum]

As an alterative to the regular charge-action, you can provide a <percentage> instead (make sure to write the "%"-sign so it is recognized) and set an optional minimum and maximum value that will be charged.

Example: "charge 10% min=100 max=1000" or "charge 75% max=5000"

Succeeds: only if the victim had enough money to pay

destroy-item <item-type> [amount]

Removes a fixed amount of an item from the dropped items. <item-type> must be given in the same format like for basic entries in lists.txt (<item-id> or <item-id>:<damagevalue> or <item-name> or <item-name>:damage-value).

The optional "amount" (default: 1) specifies how many of the items will be removed. No items will be affected when there are not enough items available.
Examples: "5:0" or "SUGAR" or "WOOL:3"

Succeeds: only if enough items were available and they were successfully removed

destroy-items [filter-list] [percentage]

This action works exactly like the "keep-items" action, except that it only stops the items from dropping and doesn't give them back to the player.

Percentage and filter can be applied the same way as described in "keep-items".

Succeeds: only if there was anything filtered that was destroyed

damage-items <percentage> [filter-list]

Damages any item with durability (tools, armor) by the given percentage.

A filter-list from lists.txt can be applied the same way as in "keep-items" (also invertable).

Suceeds: only if any items were affected

message <message>

Sends a message to the victim.
Color codes can be used with the '&' character.

Variables can be used here.

Succeeds: always

broadcast <message>

Broadcasts a message on the whole server.
Color codes can be used with the '&' character.

Variables can be used here.

Succeeds: always

command <sender> <command-string>

Executes any command as the victim or the console.

<sender> can be "victim" or "console". <command-string> is the command to be executed including parameters (without a leading /).

Variables can be used here.

Succeeds: only if the command that should be executed existed; Note that this can't detect if the plugin owning the command was able to process it correctly.

wait <time>

Delays all actions after this one by <time>.

The time can be given in seconds (s) or minutes (m): "10m" or "40s".

Succeeds: always

wait command [timeout]

Waits for the victim to perform the "/death back" command.

If a timeout is given for the command, it will be cancelled after the given amount of time. Default is -1 (infinite timeout).

The time can be given in seconds (s) or minutes (m): "10m" or "40s".

Succeeds: always, the "required" keyword is not necessary for the timeout


An action without any parameters that simply clears the vanilla death message that is broadcasted by default.

This allows you to override it with a custom message (using the "broadcast" action) or to simply disable it.

Succeeds: always