
This page contains an overview over all conditions.

General information on conditions is available on the Configuration page.

cause <cause1> [cause2] [cause3] ...

Matches if at least one of cause1, cause2 or cause3 etc. was the cause of the death.

The following causes are available (most of them should be obvious):

  • cactus
  • drowning
  • explosion
  • fall
  • fallingblock (e.g. an anvil falling on top of a player)
  • fire (you were set on fire or you stood in a fire block)
  • firetick (you were set on fire and died from that)
  • lava
  • lightning
  • magic (a damage potion)
  • mob (any type of mob, e.g. wolves are included)
  • monster (only hostile monsters, e.g. wolves are excluded)
  • pvp
  • poison
  • starvation
  • suffocation (stuck inside a solid block)
  • suicide (the vanilla "/kill" command; some plugins like Essentials may break it)
  • thorns (the enchantment on armor)
  • void (falling below Y=0 level)
  • wither

Note that multiple causes can apply to a death (for example, a zombie killing you triggers both "mob" and "monster").

food-level <operator> <value>

Matches if the victim's food level matches the given criteria.
<operator> can be one of: = < <= > >= <> ("<>" means "unequal")
<value> is a value that should be compared (between 0 and 20).

killer-type <type1> [type2] [type3] ...

For a death caused by an entity, here you can filter the type of the killing entity.

Matches if at least one of type1 or type2 or type3 etc. was the killing entity type.

Possible values are:

  • monster (any hostile monsters, e.g. wolves are excluded)
  • projectile (stuff that flies through the air, like arrows, eggs, etc.)
  • tamed-wolf (only wolves that have been tamed by a player)
  • anything from the EntityType enumeration (note that not all of the values from the list make sense as potential killers of a player)

permission <subject> <permission-node>

Matches if the subject has the given permission node.

<subject> can be "victim" or "killer" (note that "killer" only works for a death caused by PVP).
<permission-node> can be any node you want, it doesn't have to belong to DeathControl.

region <name>

Matches if the death happened within a WorldGuard region with the given name.

Obviously only works if WorldGuard is installed on the server.

world <name>

Matches if the death happened in a world with the given name.

This is essential for different configurations per-world (unless you want to manage it through permissions, which is also possible).