
This is the page detailing the new config

Here is the default config that'll generate:

joinMessage: '&6&lYou joined KitPvP!'
leaveMessage: '&5&lYou left KitPvP!'
foodLevel: 20
keepFood: true
SignStart: '[KitPvP]'
SignColor: '&1'
disallowItemDropping: true
denyItemPickup: true
noItemDropMessage: '&4You are not allowed to drop items here, if you have a problem then try again.'
commandDenied: '&4Access to this command has been blocked.'
broadcastKill: true
onlyInGame: false
useActualPlayerNamesInTheKillMessage: true
killMessage: '&5[&6KitPvP&5] &9%killername% on %health% (%hearts% hearts) &8just killed &9%victimname% &8with the %killerkit% kit.'
DropItemOnDeath: false
DropItemID: 322
DropItemDamageValue: 1
DropItemRegenPotency: 3
DropItemRegenDuration: 40
Stats_kills_self: '&2Your kills: %kills%'
Stats_deaths_self: '&2Your deaths: %deaths%'
Stats_KillToDeathRatio_self: '&2Your K/D ratio: %KDR%'
Stats_kills_other: '&2%playername% kills: %kills%'
Stats_deaths_other: '&2%playername% deaths: %deaths%'
Stats_KillToDeathRatio_other: '&2%playername% K/D ratio: %KDR%'
  - money
  - list
  - KitPvP
  - DeathArena

So, let's break it down.

joinMessage: '&6&lYou joined KitPvP!'
leaveMessage: '&5&lYou left KitPvP!'

The joinMessage is the message that'll be displayed to a player when they join a game. Value: String.

The leaveMessage is the message that'll be displayed to a player when they leave a game. Value: String.

foodLevel: 20
keepFood: true

The foodLevel is the number of half food points a player's food level will be kept at. Value: Integer.

The keepFood is whether or not to disable food depletion. Value: Boolean - true to disable food depletion.

SignStart: '[KitPvP]'
SignColor: '&1'

The SignStart is what players should put on the top line of a sign for DeathArena to recognise it as a DeathArena sign. Value: String.

The SignColor is what the plugin puts at the beginning of the sign to ensure that the sign cannot be replicated. Value: String.

CobwebDestroyTimeInSeconds: 30

The number of seconds until a cobweb placed by a player is destroyed. Value: Integer.

disallowItemDropping: true
denyItemPickup: true
noItemDropMessage: '&4You are not allowed to drop items here, if you have a problem then try again.'

The disallowItemDropping is whether or not to disallow items being dropped in-game. Value: Boolean - true to deny.

The disallowItemPickup is whether or not to disallow items being picked up in-game. Value: Boolean - true to deny.

The noItemDropMessage is the message to display to anyone who tries to drop items. Value: String.

commandDenied: '&4Access to this command has been blocked.'

The message that is displayed after a player is denied a command - In other words, tries to use a command that is not on the command whitelist. Value: String.

broadcastKill: true
onlyInGame: false
useActualPlayerNamesInTheKillMessage: true

The broadcast kill is whether or not a broadcast is used after someone dies, e.g. "Jim just killed Dave!", or whatever you change it to. The onlyInGame section is whether the broadcast is only seen by others in game or not, to prevent spam for other players not in-game. Value: Boolean - False - Everybody sees the broadcast. True - Only people in-game see the broadcast.

The Actual Player Names options, if set to false, uses their /nick and rank instead of just their username. For instance, [Admin]Tom just killed Jim! Instead of "coxie53 killed jim1872"

killMessage: '&5[&6KitPvP&5] &9%killername% on %health% (%hearts% hearts) &8just killed &9%victimname% &8with the %killerkit% kit.'

This option allows you to change what is said in the broadcast upon somebody's death. %health% is used to show the killer's remaining health, %killername% to show the killer, %victimname% to show the victim and %killerkit% to show the kit the killer was using, %hearts% shows the HEARTS, not health, . Normal colour codes can be used. Value: String.

DropItemOnDeath: false
DropItemID: 322
DropItemDamageValue: 1
DropItemRegenPotency: 3
DropItemRegenDuration: 40

DropItemOnDeath toggles whether an item drops when a player is killed. Value: Bolean - true to drop the item.

ItemID Determines which item is dropped. Enter the ID of the item you would like to drop. Value: Integer

DamageValue is how much damage you want this item to cause the person that picks it up. Value: Integer

RegenPotency is how potent the regen effect is for the person that picks up the item. Value: integer

RegenDuration determines how long this regen effect lasts, in seconds. Value: Integer.