
Wondering how to set up the config?

Here's all the config, and what each thing does.

DropGoldenApple: true

→ Set to true to have a Golden Apple drop when someone is killed.

SignStart: Kit

→ Set to Whatever you want to be the heading of your Kit Signs.

moneyperkill: 5

→ The amount of money you earn per Kill.

ImmuneTimeInSeconds: 2

→ How long someone is Invincible for after Joining KitPvP (In seconds)

CobwebDestroyTimeInSeconds: 30

→ How long it takes for cobwebs to 'decay' after being placed in the arena(By a fighter).

currencyname: Pounds  

→ The name of the Currency the plugin awards.


→ List of commands that CAN be used whilst in-game.

- money
EnableAutoUpdater: false

→ Auto Updater

HasDoneTheUUIDs: true   

→ Ignore

'&9%killer% &6(on %health% hearts) just killed &9%victim% &6and earned %money% &9%currency%&6.

→ The message to appear on a kill.

DeathMessagePrefix: '&bKitPvP'    

→ The prefix of the death message (E.g. [KitPvP] Jim (On6 hearts) just killed Dave and earned 5 Pounds!)


→ The location you spawn at when joining KitPvP. Can be set in-game.

world: KitPvP
  x: 597
  y: 171
  z: 1277
  yaw: -90.300064
  pitch: 28.049946


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