Commands & Permissions


No Command

→ The root KitPvP command. Default for all.


/kitpvp join [Arena]

→ Allows a player to join a match. Default for all.


No Command

→ Allows a player to join using <kitname>(Replace <Kitname> with the name of a kit you have created in-game. Replace <kitname> with * to allow access to all kits.


 No Command

→ Allows a player to join all arenas.


/kitpvp setinv Tank → Sets Your inventory and armour to what the kit "Tank" has

→ Allows a player to create kits


/kitpvp delArena OKCorral→ Deletes the arena "OK Corral"

→ Deletes specified arena. Default for OP.


/kitpvp addarena OKCorral > Adds an arena named "OK Corral"

→ Adds an arena with a spawnpoint at your location. Default for OP


Allows you to manage an arena. Default for OP. In depth:

/kitpvp managearena OKCorral help

→ Brings up the help menu for managing arenas

/kitpvp managearena OKCorral addSpawn

→ Adds a SpawnPoint to the specified arena. If an arena has multiple spawnpoints, one will be chosen at random upon joining.

/kitpvp managearena OKCorral removeNearestSpawn

→ Removes the spawnpoint closest to you.

/kitpvp managearena OKCorral addKit 

→ Adds specified kit onto the Arena whitelist. Only whitelisted kits can be used in this arena.

/kitpvp managearena OKCorral removeKit

→ Removes specified kit from the arena's whitelist. This kit cannot be used in this arena now.

Sign Setup

To use a sign instead of a command, you must set up a sign as follows:

Line 1: '[KitPvP]' 
Line 2: 'join' 
Line 3: 'KITNAME' 

Replace "Kitname" with the name of the kit you want the user to use, and "Arenaname" with the Arena you wish them to join.