main/Execution times

Execution times

ChatTweaks has many, many, many functions and features, so it must take an awfully large amount of time to run?! - Not at all!

With 2GB of ram for Minecraft & Bukkit, here is the data:

ActionTime in Milliseconds
Chat with spam checks2 Milliseconds
Hashtag0.25 Milliseconds
Mentions (with sound)0.5 Milliseconds
Mentions (without sound)0.25 Milliseconds
Dollars0.25 Milliseconds
Replacers1.5 Milliseconds
Chat without spam checks1 Milliseconds
Chat without "fun stuff"0.15 Milliseconds
Enabling ChatTweaks57 Milliseconds
Loading configs7 Milliseconds
Wrong command renamer0.2 Milliseconds
Login time0.10 Milliseconds
Death message time2 Milliseconds

(These tests were done 15 times each, the averages are shown above.)


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