English/Configuration/Messages Configuration

Messages Configuration

Note: These do NOT support color codes.

Note 2: %v% is a VARIABLE. It will be replaced with the error related to that message.

Default configuration can be reinstalled by deleting the old one, or copy-pasting this pastebin. http:pastebin.com/jYNZA0ED


ReloadConfSuccess"You've successfully reloaded the %v% config!"Message when someone reloads a config
PurgeDataSuccess"You've successfully deleted all hashtags and ats!"Message when someone purges data
DisabledFeature"This feature is disabled!"Message to be sent when the feature is disabled
ClearChat"The chat has been cleared by %v%!"Message to be sent when the chat has been cleared
InLockdown"Chat is in lockdown mode! Initiated by: %v%"Message to be sent when someone tryes to chat in a lockdown mode chat
LockdownEnable"You've successfully %v% lockdown mode!"Message to be sent when someone initiates lockdown mode
AMSuccess"You've successfully broadcasted the next auto message!"Message to be when you force broadcast the next AM message


NoPerm"You don't have permission to do this!"Message when player has no perm.
NumberException"Please use numbers after your dollar signs ($). Or your number was too big."When someone does $54 in chat
PlayerException"This player could not be found."When a player cannot be found
WrongCmd"This is not the right command..."Wrong command
Unknown"An unknown error occurred! Please contact your server administrators!"Unknown error occured
FileMissing"A file is missing! Please contact your server administrators!"If a file is missing


TooManySameAtSign"You've already entered %v% in your message!"
MaxAtSignReached"You have reached the maximum At Sign per Chat!"
NoPermLinks"You may not type links in chat!"
UnAllowedLink"Link/IP %v% is not allowed in the chat!"
Severe-UnAllowedLink"Do not fool the anti-advertiser plugin!"
CapsLimit"No caps in chat please!"


Joined"You have joined the %v% Channel."
NotFound"Channel %v% could not be found."
Left"You have left the %v% Channel."
NoPermJoin"You do not have permission to join the %v% Channel."
NoPermAdd"You do not have permission to add this player to the %v% channel!"
Kick"You've been kicked from the channel %v%!"
PlayerException"%v% is not in your channel!"
NotInChannel"You are not in a channel!"
AlreadyInChannel"You are already in the %v% channel!"
PlayerInChannel"Player %v% is already in your channel!"
ChJoin"%v% has joined the channnel"
ChJoinAdd"%v% has been added to the channel!"
ChLeft"%v% has left the channel"
ChKick"%v% has been kicked from you channel!"
  1. Don"t forget to enable Custom Messages in the Configuration.yml File!
  2. You"re done :D