Teleport & Home Commands

Teleport Commands

Paramaters set in italic are optional.

/tpplayerNameTeleports you to the given player.
/tphereplayerNameTeleports a player to your location./s
/tp2pplayer1 player2Teleports player1 to player2/t2p
/tplocx y zTeleports you to the given location/tl
/tpseeDis-/Enables the 'Teleport at see' mode. Left click , and you are teleported where you are looking at./tps
/tptoggleyesEn-/Disables the Teleport request System. If enabled you have to acknowledge a teleport to you with /tptoggle yes/tpt
/backReturn to the location you before your last teleport.


/ lets the player use the TP Request system, but they can not disable/enable it themself! allows the player to en-/disable the System for themself.* grants access to both the above.

Home Commands

Paramaters set in italic are optional.
Little precision about home command. If the user have the node admincmd.admin.home he can access other user's home by using a colon (:) to separate the player's name and the home's name.
Example : /h Balor:world

/homeplayerName:homeNameTeleports you the given home or to the your current worlds home if not set/h
/sethomeplayerName:homeNameSet your home in the current world where you can teleport to later. If no name is given it defaults to the current worlds name/sh
/listhomesplayerNameLists all of your homes (or the one of the playerName)/lh
/rmhomeplayerName: nameRemoves the given home./rh

Permissions :


Special Permission for admins access to other users homes:

Permissions for all teleport and home commands:*