Player Commands

Player Commands

Paramaters set in italic are optional.

/playerlistLists all online players/plist /who
/locationplayerShows the location of the player or yours if no name is provided/loc
/healplayerHeals the player or yourself if no name is provided/pheal
/killplayerKills the player or yourself if no name is provided/pkill
/clearplayer material amountRemoves the given amount of the material from the players inventory
or all items if none given. If no player is given it clears your
complete inventory!
/kickplayer messageKicks the wanted player and shows him the message if one was issued./kp
/kickallmessageKicks all players and shows them the message if one was issued./kall
/msgplayer messageSends a private message to the given player/message
/spyYou receive every private message being sent./smsg
/ipplayerShows the IP of the player or yours if no name is provided
/muteplayerMutes the given player so he can not chat anymore!
/unmuteplayer time(in mins)Unmutes the given muted player. If time is set the mute is temporary and the player will be unmuted afterwards.
/banplayer message time(in mins)Kick and ban the provided player. A custom ban message can be given and a temporary ban be made if a time is given./pban
/unbanplayerUnbans the given banned player./ub
/freezeplayerFreeze the given player so he can't move and interact with the world around him anymore, but he can use the chat/fp
/invisibleplayerSet the given player or command sender invisible. No message when joining the server, message leaving the server when entering invisible mode. Other players can't interact with the invisible person./inv
/nopickupplayerEn-/Disables 'NoPickUp-mode'. The given player or command sender if none given can't pickup things anymore./np
/afkreasonSets yourself AFK, a custom reason can be set
/rolldiceRoll a x-sided dice, where x is the number you gave, default is 6
/godplayerEn-/Disables God mode. Makes the player or command sender invulnerable./g
/flypower playerYou or the given player can now fly when keep pressing the sneaking key (SHIFT). Press and hold the sneaking key, Jump, your are flying. The power is the velocity default is 1.75
/fireballpower playerMakes you or the given player like a Ghast, granting the ability to cast fireballs at the points you look at. Power can be set, deafult is 1, normal Ghast fireball. Type again to disable it./fb
/vulcanpower playerEn-/Disables Vulcan-mode. Effects are like fireball but the power used is TNT instead of fireball, default is 4.0x TNT power/fire
//En-/Disables Super Breaker-mode. When you have the SuperBreaker item in hand, every block you touch is instantly broken/break
/playedplayerHow many time the player have played on the server/ptime
/eternalplayerYour food bar is full and frozen/pet
/feedplayerRestore all your food/pf
/gmplayerSwitch the GameMode (Survial/Creative) for you or the selected player/gswitch
/whois-wplayer or worldGet information about the player (or yourself if no player given). When putting the flag -w, get information about the given world (or the one you are in if no parameter is given)/ws
/fakequitplayerDisplays a server leave/join message and does not list you online anymore or lists you online again./fq
/replyReply to the last player who sent you a message/r
/pres-p playerpresentationSet your presentation (that can be viewed in whois command) or the presentation of the player (when using the -p flag)/presentation
/xp-l, -a, -d, -t. -pplayer amountModify the experience of a player or view it.
1./xp -l - This modifies the level of a player
2./xp -a - Add(subtrac by giving negative numbers) to the xp of a player
3./xp -p - Set the progressen in the players current level
4./xp -d - Drops a xo Orb near a player
5./xp -t - Vies the current total xp amount of a player
/exp, /experience
/kick-m templateplayerWhen using the -m flag, you can specify which message template to use for the message (template created in the locale file kickMessages). Example : /kick Blah -m default
Will use the "default" message defined in the yaml file.
/ban-m templateplayerWhen using the -m flag, you can specify which message template to use for the message (template created in the locale file kickMessages). Example : /ban Blah -m default
Will use the "default" message defined in the yaml file.

Per Command Permissions:

/location playeradmincmd.player.loc.other
/heal playeradmincmd.player.heal.other
/kill playeradmincmd.player.kill.other
/ip playeradmincmd.player.ip.other
/invisible playeradmincmd.player.invisible.other
/god playeradmincmd.player.god.other
/fireball playeradmincmd.player.fireball.other
/vulcan playeradmincmd.player.vulcan.other
/eternal playeradmincmd.player.eternal.other
/feed playeradmincmd.player.feed.other
/gm playeradmincmd.player.gamemode.other
/fakequit playeradmincmd.player.fakequit.other
/whois playeradmincmd.player.whois.other
/pres -p playeramdincmd.player.pres.other
/xp playeramdincmd.player.experience.other

Permissions for all player commands:
