EOL notice:
After almost 6 years, this plugin has reached an end-of-life status.
I will no longer be maintaining this plugin. If you are a developer and are interested in the source code of this project, feel free to use it as it is published under an MIT license.
To all the great people in the community: Thank you for the wonderful time!
Documentation can be found on Github wiki. (Edit: 9/2/2017: link fixed)
Source code can be found on Github.
What does this plugin do?
This plugin enables PHP developers to access minecraft commands from a web-based script.
A scheme: Ingame command -> Your php-enabled server -> Your PHP file does stuff and provides output/commands -> Plugin executes commands and prints output. Or: Webpage command -> bukkit server -> Plugin executes commands and prints output.
A few of the possibilities:
Online adminstration screen Online console Membership system (become VIP with a donation) Paypal donation system ...
Seperate thread (no server lag because of the wait.) Commands (ingame or console emulation) Command to color output send from php. Secure connection (protected with password hash) Permissions support (just "websend") Both ways enabled (PHP -> bukkit | bukkit -> php (-> bukkit))
Head over to the files for the latest version, and here for installation instructions.
Documentation and more.
What do I have to do that the player who donated recieve the money (IGN?)?
"pex promote <player>" is the command!
Both would be nice. :)
Do you mean video or source code?
I mean if someone can post an URL where is it demonstrated.
Do you have a little example of getting this to work it seems i'm having some trouble :(
@JWhy It was requested so I added it a while ago, I guess it doesn't really matter which one you use.
@Lockolu Are you looking for an example of a script, a configuration file or something else? The pages section might help you.
Can anyone post an example (URL), pls?
Is there an advantage, when using "/Command/Chatcolor"? I always used the &-codes and it worked well
You can always just use
§[0-9a-f] to color your lines :) It's much more compact, just not as readable without knowing what each color code is. (This is what we do).
I'll add some moar.
I am talking about full color support all colors are not supported.
Chat color is supported. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/websend/pages/syntax/
This plugin is amazing :)
can we get full color chat support?
&0 - &f
I'm found mistake. If password is wrong plugin writes just "Found password". No messages about wrong password.
In my case password was correct, but your plugin working incorrect with passwords with symbols % @ and $. It would be nice to fix it.
Are you using the latest version? What other plugins do you have?
Meh... figured it out... not needed to be BukkitCommand, but console command
What does it mean when it says that "ExecuteBukkitCommand is not supported in this way."...?
I tried to send a command to the server (and that command got info, and did a /ws command to send the data back to WS . Is that not able to happen? :S
show the code that you are using? :) (just to make sure they didn't go wanky)
Yeah... my hosts (servercraft) changed it, and said that it should work now... but its not :P (i double checked anyways to make sure)
I have the ticket open still to have them double check the port being open... but i'm currently waiting on a reply.
If they say its open, i'll come back and try some other troubleshooting :P