EOL notice:
After almost 6 years, this plugin has reached an end-of-life status.
I will no longer be maintaining this plugin. If you are a developer and are interested in the source code of this project, feel free to use it as it is published under an MIT license.
To all the great people in the community: Thank you for the wonderful time!
Documentation can be found on Github wiki. (Edit: 9/2/2017: link fixed)
Source code can be found on Github.
What does this plugin do?
This plugin enables PHP developers to access minecraft commands from a web-based script.
A scheme: Ingame command -> Your php-enabled server -> Your PHP file does stuff and provides output/commands -> Plugin executes commands and prints output. Or: Webpage command -> bukkit server -> Plugin executes commands and prints output.
A few of the possibilities:
Online adminstration screen Online console Membership system (become VIP with a donation) Paypal donation system ...
Seperate thread (no server lag because of the wait.) Commands (ingame or console emulation) Command to color output send from php. Secure connection (protected with password hash) Permissions support (just "websend") Both ways enabled (PHP -> bukkit | bukkit -> php (-> bukkit))
Head over to the files for the latest version, and here for installation instructions.
Documentation and more.
This is probably the single most useful plugin I've ever found. I'm completely terrible at java, but decent at php.
Right now I'm writing a donation script for my server using this. However, some other things else i've done are let one of my moderators kill her brother (and, only her brother) with a command into websend, and set up announcements that feed from a mysql database.
Just a couple interesting ideas, and I realize this might take a lot:
1. Might be nice if we could set up aliases of certain commands... so that say, /websend killbrother would only actually require me to type /killbrother. I'm thinking some sort of configuration option for this would be amazing. No need to just pass any unused /commands to the web server.
2. If those commands had their own separate permission nodes, somehow.. in my example websend.killbrother might be required to make the /killbrother i've done work, but, anyone with the websend permission could still do /websend killbrother. This way we could give out say, /killbrother without giving out the ability to make an announcement trigger.
Hopefully it will be soon :D
Not yet, I'm working on rewriting a big part of Websend. When that is finished, I will work further on output capturing.
I really want to use the Plugin output Capturing with the normal bukkit, is there no chance of doing this? :(
Put ALTPORT=3333 in your settings file
Is it possible to set the example for websend 3333 no port 4445 is busy and the need for two servers websend
sory for my bad english
Im assuming is your webserver. If so: yes if write a php file that uses GET info for command and forwards that together with the password to websend
(Sorry for (maybe) stupid question)
Is there a way to send a command directly to console like forums.bukkit.org/threads/12504/
Something like this:
Looks good!
@Kaosvf Since a php -> bukkit connection has no POST values, you'll need to work around this. Make a php -> bukkit connection and emulate a player websend command like this: ExecuteBukkitCommand-onlinePlayerYouWantTheHealthOf:ws commandName
Then websend will send the POST values to the url specified in you config under URL:
Hi, with the new version 1.0 how can I print (for example) the health of a player on a php page? Regards.
That's fantastic news Waterflames. Expect a donation from me with the new verison :)
Sure, I'll include it in 1.0
Didn't think I'd receive donations :P I'll add a paypal option.
Would it be possible to include the players coordinates and world in the $_POST? Would be amazing! Really loving this plugin.
p.s. Why no donation methods!?!?!
Sorry, but I am going to wait until a stable recommended build is released. EDIT: I updated to build 1597.
Can you update this to 1.0.0 builds? I am getting quite big amount of errors, it is not much stable..
Check your connection. Is ip correct? port in php on 4445? bukkit server with websend running? websend config correctly setup to support php -> bukkit? Firewalls ok? Ports forwarded?
Hey! It doesn't work. I can't understand why.. Do you have Skype? So we can write there.
Warning: socket_connect() [function.socket-connect]: unable to connect [110]: Connection timed out in /home/a1998448/public_html/ExternalTimeSet.php on line 9
@BASTOFA: Hey! Du bist deutsch. Kannst du mir vielleicht auch helfen? Schreib zurück ;)
@TheFatDemon Open a forum post and post your question and code there. That will make it easier for me to help you.
Hey i get the error 18:00:03 [INFO] WARNING: During a web-triggered connection attempt 18:00:03 [INFO] no password was found on the first line, any command 18:00:03 [INFO] before the authentification will be ignored. 18:00:03 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "Thread-114" 18:00:03 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException 18:00:03 [SEVERE] at websend.PHPSktSrvrThread.run(Main.java:357)
any help? thanks