Usage Examples

Some examples on how to use the plugin to get you started :)

Displaying an Image on a screen

  1. Stand where you want the screen to be place
  2. Type /screen add testscreen 90 60
    1. testscreen is the name for this screen, 90 is the width in blocks for the screen and 60 is the height
  3. Next type /screen play testscreen ohhai.png
    1. testscreen is the name of the screen we jsut made, ohhai.png is the image we want to show
    2. (ohai.png is read from the plugins/VoxieChan/data folder so place you images in there or use a url to the image)

Displaying a Animated Gif

  1. Type /screen add testscreen 46 11
  2. Next type /screen play testscreen banner.gif
  3. Type /screen rate testscreen 7
    1. rate sets how many ticks the server waits before going to the next frame, use this to control how fast the gif plays back

Playing a video on a block screen

  1. Type /screen add testscreen 90 60
  2. Type /channel add mov
  3. Type /channel play mov kon.mkv
    1. This starts playing the video kon.mkv on the chnnel mov, but with out any screen attached we can't see it
  4. Type /screen set testscreen mov
    1. This attachs the screen testscreen to the channel mov, now you should see the video playing on the screen
  5. Type /channel rate mov 5
    1. use this to adjsut the update rate of the channel, affects all attached screens

Playing a video on a map

  1. Type /channel add mov
  2. Type /channel play mov kon.mkv
  3. Equip a map
  4. Type /channel setmap mov
    1. Now look at the map, Hopefully you should now see the video on the map :)
  5. Type /channel rate mov 5
    1. use this to adjsut the update rate of the channel, affects all attached screens

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