


  • /screen create [name] [width] [height] (Adds a screen at the location you are standing at)
  • /screen add [name] [width] [height] (same as create)
  • /screen list (List all the channels on the server)
  • /screen set [screenName] [channelName] (Display that channel on that screen)
  • /screen unset [screenName] (Disconect the screen from its attached channel)
  • /screen play [filename or url] (Show the given image on the screen, Only suport png, jpg and gif)
  • /screen remove [name] (Removes that screen from the server)
  • /screen pause [name] [Pause playback on this screen]
  • /screen rate [ticks] (Only affect gifs, How many tick to wait before showing the next frame (20 ticks in a second))


  • /channel list (list all the channels)
  • /channel add [channelName] (Adds a new channel with that name)
  • /channel remove [channelName] (Remove that channel)
  • /channel play [channelName] [mediaFile] (plays a file on that channel) The file can be either in the plugins data folder our you can use a web address
  • /channel rate [channelName] [playbackRate] (set the playback rate of that channel, rate is in ticks. So 1 is an fps of 20)
  • /channel pause [channelName] (pause the channel)
  • /channel info [channelName] (Print out info about that channel)
  • /channel setmap [channelName] (Toggles the display of the channel on your map)
  • /channel maps [channelName] (Toggles rendering suport for maps)
  • /channel aspect [channelName] [yes or no] (keep the aspect ratio of the video or not)


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