Venificus - Magic in Minecraft

Welcome to the plugin page of the magic plugin Venificus!

What is Venificus?

This plugins allows players to use magic. This magic varies from good and helpful magic to magic that kills and destroys. There are three types of magic: White magic, Black magic and Arcane magic. The plugin supports permissions and is very easy to use. This plugin is different from all other magic plugins because with this plugin, it is not about 'stick spamming'.

Why Venificus?

Venificus comes from the word 'veneficus' which is Latin for wizard/sorcerer. Changing the word made it unique and special with a background meaning.


  -  provides help for the Venificus users
  -  gives the player a list of all available spells


  -  strikes lightning on your target.
  -  turns day into night.
  -  turns night into day.
  -  provides you with a source of light in dark times.
  -  transforms hostile-mobs into friendly animals.
  -  launches a dark missile at your target's direction.
  -  launches a fireball at your target's direction.
Evanesces Circumdederunt
  -  hides you and all near allies for a short period of time.
  -  hides your body in darkness.
Consano Circumdederun
  -  heals you and your close allies for a short period of time.
  -  heals the caster.
  -  poisons every living human around you.
  -  channels magical power between two witches.
Siccabitur Rituali
  -  starts a Wither-summoning ritual.
  -  summons a skeleton.
  -  starts a ritual that summons an ally 
  -  causes confusion to all nearby players
  -  sets an opponent on fire

This plugin also supports permissions. For a list of permissions, check below.


    - Venificus.Fulmen
    - Venificus.Noctem
    - Venificus.Lucem
    - Venificus.Lux
    - Venificus.Mutatio
    - Venificus.Obscurum
    - Venificus.Augue
    - Venificus.Evanesces
    - Venificus.EvanescesCircumdederunt
    - Venificus.ConsanoCircumdederunt
    - Venificus.Consano
    - Venificus.Venenum
    - Venificus.Vertentes [not implemented]
    - Venificus.SiccabiturRituali [not implemented]
    - Venificus.Osseus
    - Venificus.Perturbatio
    - Venificus.Ferrum
    - Venificus.Incendio [not implemented]

Black, White and Ancient magic

The difference between black and white magic is, black magic is used to harm people and for dark rituals. White magic is used to make life in the Minecraft world a bit easier and can be used to help your Minecraft neighbours. Arcane magic is the oldest and most powerful magic in the Minecraft world. The spells can be good and evil. What makes Arcane magic different from the other two is the unique way of spell casting. Every spell requires a magical rune, how much runes the spell needs depends on the power of the spell. Creating a source of light is less powerful than changing the time. White magic spells require Lapis Lazuli as a magical rune, black magic spells require Bones and Arcane magic require both Bones and Lapis Lazuli.

Black Magic

    - Fulmen
    - Obscurum
    - Augue
    - Venenum
    - Osseus
    - Perturbatio
    - Perturbatio Circumdederunt
    - Incendio

White Magic

    - Noctem
    - Lucem
    - Lux
    - Mutatio
    - Evanesces
    - Evanesces Circumdederunt
    - Consano Circumdederunt
    - Consano
    - Vertentes

Ancient Magic

    - Ferrum

How to use

- Drag the 'Venificus.jar' into your plugin folder.
- Reload or start the server.
- Be sure you have all the permissions or OP
- Type '/vHelp' for help in general.
- Type '/vList' for a list of spells.
- Decide which spell you'd like to cast.
- Collect the runes needed for the spell. See Black, White & Arcane magic
- Wield a (regular) book
- Press 'T' or your personal chat hotkey.
- Type the name of the spell, for example 'Fulmen'.
- Press Enter
- 3 bones will disappear and lightning will hit your target.

Additional details

Java 7 is required to run this plugin.

If you have ideas for new spells or any other update, please let me now in PM or in the comments.

Test Servers

If you'd like to have your server listed here, please send me a PM or post a comment below!

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 17, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 8, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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