Commands and Permissions

Here are the permissions and the associated commands:

<param> - necessary parameter
[param] - optional paramter

CommandPermission NodeDescription
/trail-Plugin version and player's current effect
/trail stop-Stops your current effect. Alias: /trail off
/trail smokeVaporTrails.effect.smokeCreates smoke trail
/trail enderVaporTrails.effect.enderCreates ender signal trail
/trail thunderVaporTrails.effect.thunderCreates thunder trail
/trail tntVaporTrails.effect.tntCreates tnt explosion trail
/trail snowVaporTrails.effect.snowCreates snow trail
/trail fireVaporTrails.effect.fireCreates fire trail
/trail shineVaporTrails.effect.shineCreates Mob Spawner flame trail
/trail swirlVaporTrails.effect.swirlCreates the potion swirl effect
/trail potion <color>VaporTrails.effect.<color>Creates the potion break with the associated color. Valid colors: pink, aqua, gold, green, red, darkred, gray, crimson, cyan, blue
/trail <blockid>[:data]VaporTrails.effect.blockCreates block trail
/trail reloadVaporTrails.adminReloads config


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