

Today is a day for Vapor Trails!
- Youtube Video (points if you know which one)


This plugin creates effects whenever a player moves. Honestly, this was just meant to be a fun break from my other projects. The idea came about during testing: "Wouldn't it be awesome if this smoke effect happened whenever you walked?" And thus, the idea of VaporTrails was born.

  • Nifty trail effects
  • Create block trails
  • Vault support
  • WorldGuard support
  • Creative mode auto-effect

Thanks to @UltiByte for the video.

Commands & Permissions

Description of the config.yml options:

checkWorldGuardRegions: For effects that may modify blocks, this checks if the player has build rights for a region, and thus if their effect is played while in the region. (Default: false)
version: For internal use only. Do not change.


  • useListener: Whether to play effects by interval threads or on the player move event. (Default: false)
  • interval: The time in server ticks between playing the effect. Only used by threads, and thus useListener needs to be set to false.


  • effect: Define the effect given to a player when they change to creative game mode.
  • use: Whether or not to give an effect when they change game mode

Note, for game mode, they player still needs the appropriate effect permission node.


Most of the effects are rather small, and this is because making even rather small radius effects can be semi-laggy. For instance, a 3x3 smoke trail on player move, while impressive, is rather laggy. So, for performance issues and to keep the player movement fluid, some effects have a small effect size, for example: smoke, ender signal, and tnt.

  • Blacklist blocks from the config
  • Adjustable effect size
  • Blocks disappear

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