
How to setup: 

1) Download Plugin and put .jar file in Plugins folder

2) Start up the server to load files and Configuration then Stop the server AGAIN.

3) Download or Backup your "World" folder so you have two copies of your world.
We have two worlds because one is the lobby and one is the arena in which the mini game takes place. These can both be in the Root Folder of the server.

4) Rename the folder of the world that will be where the game takes place (arena) to "WorldTemplate".

5) Go to your default world (the Lobby) and wherever you want players to be teleported to when the game ends or join the server type: /hunt setwarp lobby

6) Then, preferably using Multiverse or another multiworld plugin teleport to "WorldTemplate" and go to where you want the waiting area to be. (Once they have joined the game and wait for other players to join).
Once in spot type: /hunt setwarp waitarea

7) Now, in the same world go to where you would like players to spawn (center of the map) as players will randomly spawn within a certain radius around that point. When in the spot type: /hunt setwarp player

8) Now, find a spot where you want the Vampire to spawn like a cave or something and type /hunt setwarp vampire

9) Do the same with zombie, find a spot you want Zombie players to spawn and type /hunt setwarp zombie

10) Finally for warps go back to waitarea in the same world and create a podium for the winner to be teleported to when the game ends and on there type /hunt setwarp win

11) Now the game should run just fine, maybe restart the server to be sure and players can now join with /hunt join.


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