For versions < 3.0

About UnlimitedRecipes

Hello all !

I present you my plugin, which I hope for it is going to serve you: it is about an alternative of modding, which allows to take place of a launcher to create crafts and furnace recipes. The plugin works by two simple configuration files, named crafting.yml and furnace.yml.


You will be able to create an infinity of crafting and furnace recipes simply by two configuration files. This below is explained how it is necessary to proceed to add recipes:

You can reload configs with the command /ur reload (you need to be Opped or have the permission "ur.reload")

Crafting Recipes

To make a new craft recipe it is necessary to modify crafting.yml, you can use shaped recipes and shapeless recipes: crafting.yml You can use a permission node to allow or not player to make the craft, the node start with "ur.craft." + the craft name (see below)

Shaped Recipes

#Exemple config
    ice:       # Craft name, the permission node is (
      itemID: 79            # Output Item ID or Material Name
      metadata: 0          # Output Item data
      quantity: 2          # Output item quantity
      customName: '&2Crafted &1Item &3CustomName'   # Custom Item Name
      lores:    # Result lores
      - '&cA &bline'
      - '&1An &2other'
      - '&4And &5an &3other too'
      shapelessRecipe: false       # If the craft is a shapeless recipe
      recipe:              # Craft Pattern
      - aaa                  # First line
      - aba                  # Second line
      - aaa                  # Third line
      usePermission: false    # Activate  the permission node
      deleteOthers: false # If you want to delete others crafts off these
      transferDurability: false   # Transfer the durability of ingredients to result
        a: '80:0'              # Value of a, written "id:data" or "id"
        b: '326:0'            # Value of b, written "id:data" or "id"

If you want a recipe with 2 lines you just have to remove a line in the pattern. And if you want an empty slot on extremities of pattern, you have to write nothing, but if the empty slot you want is on between of the line, make a space.

You can remove the custom name

Demonstration screenshot of the config above:

Ice Craft

Shapeless Recipes

#Exemple config
    obsidian:  # Craft name,  the permission node is (ur.craft.obsidian)
      itemID: 49            # Output Item ID or Material Name
      metadata: 0          # Output Item data
      quantity: 5          # Output item quantity
      shapelessRecipe: true     # If the craft is a shapeless recipe
      usePermission: false     # Activate the permission node
      deleteOthers: false # If you want to delete others crafts off these
      transferDurability: false   # Transfer the durability of ingredients to result
        1: '326:0'              # Value of a, written "id:data" or "id"
        2: '327:0'            # Value of b, written "id:data" or "id"

Demonstration screenshot of the config above:

Obsidian Recipe

Enchanted results

I am going to take the example of ShapedRecipe, but it works also with shapelessRecipes.

#Exemple config
    chainchestplate:       # Craft name, the permission node is (ur.craft.chainchestplate)
      itemID: 303            # Output Item ID or Material Name
      metadata: 0          # Output Item data
      quantity: 1          # Output item quantity
      shapelessRecipe: false       # If the craft is a shapeless recipe
      recipe:              # Craft Pattern
      - a a                  # First line
      - aaa                  # Second line
      - aaa                  # Third line
      usePermission: false    # Activate  the permission node
      deleteOthers: false # If you want to delete others crafts off these
      transferDurability: false   # Transfer the durability of ingredients to result
      - '0:4'    #Enchants on the crafted item written "enchantID:level" or "enchantName:level"
      - '7:3'    #Enchants on the crafted item written "enchantID:level" or "enchantName:level"
        a: '101'              # Value of a, written "id:data" or "id"

Demonstration screenshot of the config above:

Enchantments Recipes

Others possibilities with crafting

If you want let to the crafter to craft his own PlayerSkull, do it:

metadata: '--CrafterHead'

but if you want a special PlayerSkull, do it:

metadata: 'Player Name'

If you want craft a colored Leather Armor do it:

metadata: 'r:198;g:175;b:96;'     
# You can get RGB code here: .

Furnace Recipes

To make a new furnace recipe it is necessary to modify: furnace.yml

#Exemple config
      resultID: 87                    # Result Item ID or Material Name
      result_MetaData: 0              # Result Item Data
      ingredientID: 1                # Ingredient ID or Material Name
      ingredient_MetaData: 0          # Ingredient Data
      result_customName: "&2An &1awesome &3block"    # Result Display name
      result_lores:          # Result lores
      - '&cA &bline'
      - '&1An &2other'
      - '&4And &5an &3other too'

Demonstration screenshot of the config above:


Blacklisting Items

You can define a "blacklisted_items" list in the 'config.yml', it delete all the default recipes for this item (before loading custom recipes). It will delete all the furnace and crafting recipes.

#Exemple config

blacklisting workbench

Have fun ! :)

For a support request, open a ticket and put your config file, the error and a screenshot.

Un update feature is included, you can disable it if you want in the 'config.yml' with:

enableUpdateChecking: true # or false to disable
enableUpdateDownloading: true # or false to disable

Don't hesitate to make a comment :)

PS: I'm French


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