Administration Tool For Bukkit
Tired of Paranoid Plugins? Take charge of your server.
Deathmarine will update ultrabans as soon as possible.
Ultrabans is an administration tool that gives the user
more tools than a simple ban. Most of the commands
are self explanatory, considering the server aficionado
will most likely have they're own methods of administration.
Ex: warn, kick, fine+kick, fine+tempban, ban, ect.
This is a box'o'tools use to your discretion.
Important Read the ChangeLog
- MySql, Sqlite support
- Configurable Messages
- Chat scanning for IP's, Spamming, and Word filter /w Configurable Result
- Jail, Muting, and other admin functions already incorporated
- Fining Players for infractions
- Entry Logging
- IP management functions such as Ping Checks, Duplicate IP Checks, ect.
- Ability to permanently ban a player
- Ability to ban players by username or IPv4
- Import and Export to default plain text files for easy conversion to any system
- Lockdown the server (Temporary Whitelist)
- Warning system with configurable results when a Max number is reached
Ultrabans Lite
With some specific features removed. Ultrabans Lite is now available. You can find it Here.
Commands can now be found on Github.
A complete list of all permission nodes in order
Conflicts with Essentials.
Has been known to work with it, however use caution.
Notice: Please make a new ticket if you have any issues/suggestions/ and-or comments. Issues, that will be posted at main page won't be accepted.
I maybe against forced banning from other sources, however information is invaluable.
Checkout Fishchecker which checks players against the ultimate universal Fishbans global ban aggregation service.
Please Ticket.
Thanks for adding the muting. Works great!
Hmmm autoban on warn... have to plan it out a bit. But yah I can put that in the works and control it from the config....
lol.. so I have been working on the scope ip version.... however it attempts to instantaneously add 255 entries or even 65025 entries (255 and 255). I don't believe that may be a feasible idea without completely reconstructing the entire ipban structure. Logging that much info... equals bad idea. POSTPONED.
You should add auto warn ban(if user earns X num of warns he gets banned :))
Thanks for the plugin! Keep it up!
Muting.... excellent idea... and easy to implement. sure thing....
Was it added in 0.1.0? I'm still using 1.8 server with 0.0.9 (checked the configs and it doesn't show up) Would the 0.1.2 version still work with CB 1337?
Awesome! Thanks for looking into this. I understand the need for vault and how it works...just the way it was worded sounded like didn't need to have it install. :)
Even better! Glad you have someone on board to work on the website side of management. Looking forward to new features!
On a side note: Would like to suggest a feature to add....muting. Currently, I have to use another plugin to manage mutes, and would rather log it to mysql and see how many times a person is muted through the phpbanlist. Maybe a timed mute option aswell?
NEWS I took on rambomst as a web developer. A full ultrabans php webpanel and administration system is in the works.
I'll look into reworking the permissions system to alternatively use op when vault is not used. I thought I had it handled (in theory). The main idea to use vault is between the major permissions systems changing as well as economy systems changing, vault keeps up with all these changes. Not to mention provides the ability for everyone to use the plugin.
This plugin will give an internal error command if you dont use Vault.May want to make it say requires Vault to work, OR fix the plugin so that doesn't require it and does default to OP and disables '/fine'. Thanks and so far great work!
Is there any chance you will add Pail support, it would be nice.
It builds the tables on the first load.
What is query for mysql tables?
Sure. I'll have it in the next update. :)Edit. Wait I already added this feature. Look for lockMsgLogin in the config.Would it be possible to customize the Lockdown message that appears to players? I'td be nice to let players know whats going on during a lockdown :)
Recalled v0.1.1
Fixed p String displaying Partial Player names data.Disabled ability to ban offline. Reconstructing and re-uploading. I apologize.I added a Ticket, please take a look at it. Link To Ticket
Alright so I noticed there is an issue with /lockdown. Its in the config. A null checker needs to be inverted so using useLockdown: false actually enables the command but will have it fixed in v0.1 which will be coming very soon. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm all about this plugin, it will always stay updated, I also just noticed that certain commands are having issues with messages.
Correction: all commands in config disable on true and enable on false. I forgot to add a false argument (! yah I missed a couple of exclamation marks). v0.1.0 will be coming out. it will all be worked out.
Done and Done. The commands now can be fully disabled via the config. Not sure about the non broadcast issue. All commands that don't contain -s should broadcast to everyone
example: /ban griefer Griefing
Displays: griefer was banned by admin for: Griefing
However I believe that I handled all your concerns, however if you find any other let me know. I highly suggest retaining your current config's login information and allowing Ultrabans to rewrite the config, and restarting.