Administration Tool For Bukkit
Tired of Paranoid Plugins? Take charge of your server.
Deathmarine will update ultrabans as soon as possible.
Ultrabans is an administration tool that gives the user
more tools than a simple ban. Most of the commands
are self explanatory, considering the server aficionado
will most likely have they're own methods of administration.
Ex: warn, kick, fine+kick, fine+tempban, ban, ect.
This is a box'o'tools use to your discretion.
Important Read the ChangeLog
- MySql, Sqlite support
- Configurable Messages
- Chat scanning for IP's, Spamming, and Word filter /w Configurable Result
- Jail, Muting, and other admin functions already incorporated
- Fining Players for infractions
- Entry Logging
- IP management functions such as Ping Checks, Duplicate IP Checks, ect.
- Ability to permanently ban a player
- Ability to ban players by username or IPv4
- Import and Export to default plain text files for easy conversion to any system
- Lockdown the server (Temporary Whitelist)
- Warning system with configurable results when a Max number is reached
Ultrabans Lite
With some specific features removed. Ultrabans Lite is now available. You can find it Here.
Commands can now be found on Github.
A complete list of all permission nodes in order
Conflicts with Essentials.
Has been known to work with it, however use caution.
Notice: Please make a new ticket if you have any issues/suggestions/ and-or comments. Issues, that will be posted at main page won't be accepted.
I maybe against forced banning from other sources, however information is invaluable.
Checkout Fishchecker which checks players against the ultimate universal Fishbans global ban aggregation service.
It doesn't create mysql tables for me, anyone have a query to create them?
Add those aliases yourself ;D
Would be nice if you can make this not use innoDB
Can you add /uban, /uunban, /ukick? please Because i use a plugin with a lot of commands and when i use this always use this plugin not ultrabans
I love this plugin is very usefull Thanks for all
Reload multi server ?
There is a problem with ultrabans where people that are OP but not permissioned, dont get permissions to use ultrabans. OP should override the need for permissions, or have it configurable in the config file. If I can stop the server, should have access to banning people.
Please add function to check an IP with witch accs is logged from?
I mean write command for example /uipcheck [IP] and it returns you usernames witch have logged from this ip :) Would be cool and useful!
Please Ticket before commenting,
Query these tables.
AppServ is just the easy way to install the original binaries of mysql apache and php completely preconfigured ( had to research it ) Mysql is mysql is mysql (except Microsoft SQL). Java uses the same methods of connecting to mysql as everything else. However something is not right. Check your config. If its ona remote server then you would need to setup additional info like jdbc:mysql:// Just to verify I made a fresh install and simply changed the config.
2011-12-22 18:40:16 [INFO] [UltraBan] Configuration: config.yml Loaded!
2011-12-22 18:40:17 [INFO] [UltraBan]: Table banlist created.
2011-12-22 18:40:17 [INFO] [UltraBan]: Table banlistip created.
2011-12-22 18:40:17 [INFO] [UltraBan] Initialized db connection
2011-12-22 18:40:17 [INFO] [UltraBan] Listeners enabled, Server is secured.
2011-12-22 18:40:17 [INFO] [UltraBan] version 0.1.5 has been initialized!
man, I think your plugin doesn't work with mysql from AppServ MySQL(Apache). Look up please at the plugins like: iConomy, xAuth, mcmmo, logblock, they have other java code for conection to mySQL. I don't want to change mySQL program.
Thank you from your fast answer.
I use MySQL from phpMyAdmin. I deleted database "minecraft" from MySQL. Then I create another database named "minecraft" which has 0 tables. In my folder "plugins" I have only UltraBan folder and plugin. Run the server: same error: [SEVERE] [UltraBan] Database Error: No Table Found
Maybe I must create the table manually??
I have many plugins with conection to mysql, and none of them has mysql in form "mysql-database: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft'". All have the typical form like "database: minecraft". I don't know maybe here's problem.
Well I should of defined the error message but what seems to be happening is the the tables are already present but not setup correctly either way there was a error when trying to create the table. My recommendation, delete the tables in the database and let Ultrabans connect to a blank database, and it should rebuild it from there. It will create the tables but not create the database.
Hello. I used before KiwiAdmin, but because the plugin is inactive I started find other active plugins for banning players in offline game modes.
I have tried this plugin for the first time. I use MySQL. In config file is written:
but when I start my server got this error:
17:13:23 [SEVERE] [UltraBan] Database Error: No Table Found
seems databases have not created automatically. I do something wrong, or can you fix this? thanks.
Edit: I use MySQL from AppServ. I see that you have copied some codes from KiwiAdmin. There was this bug with databases too.
Sorry I update the page and upload the file at the same time. It takes some time to approve the new update from the moderators.
Hi, Would you consider adding handy functions from inactive EasyBan ? It would make this no 1 ban management plugin. mainly: /ehistory playername - List all ips of a player /ealternative playername or ip - List all nicknames used by a player/show all players that connected from one ip
and related ban commands.
Also fine command is quite redundand command there are /money set commands so it makes not much sence to have it here. Prehaps if you could define max fine value or % moderator can issue to one user. And some time out for using it.
Also some overide permission would be handy for IPs than cant be banned.
hey, I just want to ask when do you want to add last point of your to-do list "Scope Ip bans and Regional ex: 192.168.*.*"
Iam realy interested in it :) because I would have big use for it :)
also thanks for update to 1.5
Updated...but no Download link for it?
The comment was moved to tickets.
VIPkick issue that error :D