Server Owner Guide

Step 1: Download

Click here for a list of files. Please ensure you use the version of Towny Mobs that is compatible with your version of CraftBukkit.

As with other plugins, drop TownyMobs.jar into your /plugins folder.

Step 2: Setting up Towny

No longer required as of Towny Mobs v2.7.0

The following settings must be set to true in the Towny general config (plugins\Towny\settings\config.yml):

  • world_monsters_on
  • force_town_monsters_on

The following settings must be set to true in each Towny world config (plugins\Towny\data\worlds\worldname.txt):

  • worldmobs
  • forcetownmobs

Step 3: Config.yml

Run the server once to generate the Towny Mobs config.yml file, located in /plugins/TownyMobs.

Click here to view the default config.yml and explanations for each config option.

Setting the powerCost makes each Towny mob "use up" some of a Town's power. A Town's total power equals the amount of plots it has. For example, if a Town has 10 plots and an archer costs 5 power each, the faction can spawn 2 archers. Once it has used up its power, it cannot spawn more until the existing mobs are killed or it gains more plots.

This plugin has the option to use Vault to set a price for spawning mobs. It is recommended you set a price for each mob so players cannot continuously spawn them.

Step 4: Permissions

Click here to view the permissions and descriptions straight off the plugin.yml file.

Leaving the permissions at default should usually be okay, but you may want to give people special permissions to suit your server's needs.

You may also want to click here and view what your players are able to do with faction mobs and with what permissions.

The /tmc Command

Towny Mobs features a way for server owners to spawn faction mobs for a specific faction via command blocks. It allows server owners to set up their own spawning systems. Read more about it here.

Frequently Encountered Errors

I'm getting "[Fatal Error] Unable to register mobs" on startup

This may occur if you are using MCPC or another unsupported server distributions. This plugin is built off CraftBukkit and I cannot guarantee compatibility with other server distributions.


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