The HungerGames
Please beware, this plugin is about to be recoded. I need direct/fully completed bug reports in my Tickets section in order to provide a clean, non-buggy build of hungergames. The plugin will be built using a later version of my newest MB-Modules engine located privately on Minebuilders. The recode will start on the 19th, and will continue throughout the rest of the week. I'll try to post status updates, and possible development builds along the way. Be patient!
The HungerGames is a newly developed plugin who strives to be not only the best, but also the most efficient hungergames plugin. It provides advanced kits, spawns, and a very simple arena setup. If you've never heard of the book/movie hungergames, it's basically a free for all. You must hunt for food and items, and attempt to kill others before they kill you. The last man standing wins!
- Auto updating lobbies
- Custom min-players & max-players & timers per arena
- Very lightweight
- Multiple arena support
- Multiverse support
- YAW + Pitch spawn support
- Vault economy support
- Simple arena setup
- Random items
- Smart mob spawning engine
- Highly configurable
- Per-arena settings
- Moderatable games
- Economy support
- Scoreboard support
- Kits
- Factions support
- McMMO support
- World-guard support
How to setup an arena!
- First, exicute "/hg wand". This will toggle our region selection wand!
- Now select 2 points, like so
- When u have to points, you can create! "/hg create <name> <min-limit> <max-limit> <time-limit>"
- Add random spawns "/hg addspawn" (Must have same, or more then max-limit!)
- Set the lobby wall "/hg setlobbywall" (While pointing at first sign!)
- Run the debugger! "/hg debug <arena>"
- Enable the cool options within hungergames/config.yml
- Enjoy!
It was working for a couple days, then I tried installing oitc plugin and it stopped working. when i do /hg nothing appears. not even the unknown command message. I tried uninstalling oitc and reinstalling hunger games but nothing is working. Also, I did restart the server every time.
Which one of these builds would work best with a 1.7.10 spigot server?
Server have big problems with Free Space Hungergames bring the Reserve Space to maxium and lag
Try the later DEV builds
I have a server and this plugin was working fine one day and one restart and no commands work. Any help?
I cant watch the videos. it says there private
Not to sound impatient or anything but any eta on an update. can you at least release a quick update to fix 1.8 sign issues?
Hmmmmm... I tried that. Is it possible that there could be a 1.8 plugin interfering? Most of my plugins are 1.7 except for the ones updated by the spigot team. I am running spigot not craftbukkit.
at [craftbukkit-dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-11-g3fd9db2-b3098jnks] 07.12 01:15:51 [Server] INFO at me.minebuilders.hg.HG.onEnable( [?:?] 07.12 01:15:51 [Server] INFO at<init>( [?:?] 07.12 01:15:51 [Server] INFO at [?:?] 07.12 01:15:51 [Server] INFO at me.minebuilders.hg.Game.<init>( [?:?] 07.12 01:15:51 [Server] INFO at me.minebuilders.hg.Game.setChests( [?:?] 07.12 01:15:51 [Server] INFO at me.minebuilders.hg.Bound.getBlocks( [?:?] 07.12 01:15:51 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.Bukkit.getWorld( [craftbukkit-dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-11-g3fd9db2-b3098jnks] 07.12 01:15:51 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R3.CraftServer.getWorld( [craftbukkit-dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-11-g3fd9db2-b3098jnks] 07.12 01:15:51 [Server] INFO at org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.notNull( [craftbukkit-dev.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-11-g3fd9db2-b3098jnks] 07.12 01:15:51 [Server] INFO java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Name cannot be null 07.12 01:15:51 [Server] ERROR Error occurred while enabling HungerGames v3.1 (Is it up to date?) 07.12 01:15:50 [Server] WARN Unable to load lobbysign for arena Snowfall!
Never mind just have to update to the latest build.
Yes having the same issues with signs please fix for 1.8!!
1. Could you make the signs more compact. Try and get it to a single sign. 2. Allow users to use "/l" to leave or at least set unblocked commands so I can make a command that executes "/hg leave" when I type "/l" 3. Make the random chest items a little less random. Like only a few chests have a diamond sword and also we do not get tons of bowls. 4. Fix the 1.8 sign issue please
Besides that this plugin is excellent please do not change a thing. Great plugin. Thank you for donating your time and we all appreciate it.
I am halving the same issue as @frizzbee30. Can you please explain the process better. Sorry I am relatively new to bukkit/spigot so it might just be me. Where do I put 'added'. Could you post a example file somewhere. That would be greatly appreciated.
works with spigot 1.8 :D the only issue I found was the lobbysign glitch. I resolved this by manually editing the arenas.yml file and putting the 'added' statement after the initial arena. This appears to have totally resolved the problem without constantly toggling arena's ,debugging etc. :)
When i'm finished updating IBan i will rewrite this entire plugin. Please post suggestions if you feel the plugin lacks something, or needs to be changed in some way.
Update to 1.6.4 pls
Can you make it so you can still join an arena even with something in your hand when clicking the sign?
Hoping bob7l does get back to upgrading the plugins, he's done a fantastic job so far, but they still need a bit of work :D
"Wont be back for a bit - projects may be updated later then usual, but will not be abandoned"
cant watch the video!