The HungerGames
Please beware, this plugin is about to be recoded. I need direct/fully completed bug reports in my Tickets section in order to provide a clean, non-buggy build of hungergames. The plugin will be built using a later version of my newest MB-Modules engine located privately on Minebuilders. The recode will start on the 19th, and will continue throughout the rest of the week. I'll try to post status updates, and possible development builds along the way. Be patient!
The HungerGames is a newly developed plugin who strives to be not only the best, but also the most efficient hungergames plugin. It provides advanced kits, spawns, and a very simple arena setup. If you've never heard of the book/movie hungergames, it's basically a free for all. You must hunt for food and items, and attempt to kill others before they kill you. The last man standing wins!
- Auto updating lobbies
- Custom min-players & max-players & timers per arena
- Very lightweight
- Multiple arena support
- Multiverse support
- YAW + Pitch spawn support
- Vault economy support
- Simple arena setup
- Random items
- Smart mob spawning engine
- Highly configurable
- Per-arena settings
- Moderatable games
- Economy support
- Scoreboard support
- Kits
- Factions support
- McMMO support
- World-guard support
How to setup an arena!
- First, exicute "/hg wand". This will toggle our region selection wand!
- Now select 2 points, like so
- When u have to points, you can create! "/hg create <name> <min-limit> <max-limit> <time-limit>"
- Add random spawns "/hg addspawn" (Must have same, or more then max-limit!)
- Set the lobby wall "/hg setlobbywall" (While pointing at first sign!)
- Run the debugger! "/hg debug <arena>"
- Enable the cool options within hungergames/config.yml
- Enjoy!
I did what the videos said and got everything setup, but for some reason the chest will not fill up with items. Only the chest at spawn will. Any help?
You have to unlock them if you have autolock set in LWC. (Also, just check your world region settings if using WG6)
Pls help, no one can open chests!
Well... First of all, thank you so much for this plugin. It's really cool having different plugin options for HG.
So, I'm using CB1.7.9 and It DOES Work. However, I have a few of concerns about it.
There are some stuff in a video I found that don't match with this plugin. I guess it's because the youtuber is using an old version of the plugin. However, it would be cool to have the options I saw in there, like:
I know some of these things you remove them from previous versions. Not sure why but it would be cool having them. Of course, this is your plugin so you do whatever you want to do with it LOL...
Also, it seems the Configuration section is outdated. It has information that doesn't match with the CONFIG file I got. For example, the latest version I'm using (v3.1) doesn't have the option to Force Kit if a player doesn't choose or don't have permissions to choose one. When I was testing it, it didn't give me any kit.
Now, I'm going to assume that based on the above message (...this plugin is about to be recoded...), all these stuff are going to be fixed/implemented on a new version of the plugin.
Other than that, the plugin goes really well so I'll be waiting for more! :-D
Thanks again!
It works fine, I'm guessing you may have the arena config issue. Please see previous posts. Also, you need to post any error messages etc.
The plugin does not work.
It does not restart it just says stopped on game status
I'll recode a vast majority of this plugin soon. I just don't have time atm, so just be patient i guess until then.
ой, сори, ошибочный комментарий
I added a bunch of kits to the config, and when I sent in to use them, I got into a game, and did /hg kit (then the kit) and it says something like, errors, that kit does not exist. And it says that for all kits. Help would be great! Here is my config....
(The spacing is a bit messed up in the Google doc.) Thanks for the help!
wait nvm lol
i cant add spawns!
i cant set my spawns. plz help!
Hi, you have the same issue I had
lobbysign: MiniGamez:421:6:-297 box: lobbysign: MiniGamez:421:5:-297
you have a duplication int he lobbysigns, for box in this case. Edit the box/lobbysign bit out to just leave the preceeding lobbysign statement, and see if this resolves. You should only have one lobbysign statement per arena, following the arena details, you have two :) (one of which is effectively a 'junk' statement)
Hey, I added a few kits and removed them and completely reset the plugin, with the same issue! I don't really understand it because I'm not that good at code and stuff. If someone could help make sense of it please contact me or something :).
Hey frizzbee30, I saw your post and didn't really understand what you meant by putting the "added" statement. I have a similar issue to @crabbyeric900 but I don't do anything at all, and after a bit, it just stops working. the /hg command doesn't work, nor does any of the full commands (/hg setlobbywall, /hg wand, etc.). The issue with mine is when I restart, it stops working, not sure what the issue there is, if you could help me resolve the issue for anyone else with it, thanks! :) I'll post my arena file here anyways if you need it or not. The only way I fix the issue is by having to re-download the plugin and re-make the arenas.
could you post your arenas file? :)
Put this as a ticket, but will place here also. Thanks!
I'm having a bit of trouble with the plugin... I place two points diagonal from each other outside of my hunger games dome, and create the arena successfully, but when trying to set spawns, it doesn't let me set them except for in a certain area. What should I do?
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Get Wand 2. Select first position, then second, directly diagonal from each other 3. Create 4. Try and add spawns in multiple areas.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? To set spawns everywhere in the area. Instead, it only lets me set it in certain areas...
What version of the product are you using? Latest build available on Bukkit.
Do you have an error log of what happened? No
Please provide any additional information below. N/A
Thanks :)
I saw your previous comment with the arena file. I tried it and it didn't work.
Check my previous posts on the lobby signs/arena config file. This is usually the cause!
I don't really have any help but I am having the same problem