
Timers are a very handfull feature of the Minecraft integration. A timer executes a function again and again.

An example timer, a very dangerous demolishing machine, that uses Essentials' fireball command to send fireballs every tick.

local tim = timer(def exec(:USERNAME, "fireball"), 1)

Remember, store the timer object ALWAYS to a variable. Otherwise you won't be able to stop it. /svestop command stops all timers. Use only for emergency.


timer(callback, interval)

Callback is an anonymous function. Interval is in ticks. Conversion functions from threads.sve can be used to transfer seconds to ticks and vice versa.

local tim = timer(def { code here }, seconds->ticks)


local tim = timer(def {print::"spam"}, 10->ticks)

Stopping a timer is done using method timer.stop().

tim=timer(def {...}, 1)



Timers or events?

Timers and events can be used for the same purpose: doing something on right conditions. For example, these two codes do basically the same thing, make player fly when they press the sneak key:

pname = "USERNAME"
registereventhandler("example.sve", "org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSneakEvent", def (e) {
def: sneakhandler(e) {
    if: e.getPlayer().getDisplayName() == pname && e.isSneaking() {
pname = "USERNAME"
timer(def {
    local p = players()[pname]
    if: p.isSneaking() {
}, 1)

The main advantage of timers is that they can be stopped whenever you like and are clear looking. You can't stop an event handler. You can put a condition to the handler. Timers can be also have a specific interval.

Wait function

The wait function implemented in threads.sve can be used for timed, but not repeating, actions.

wait(ticks, callback)

The following script makes a pling pling -sound.

# import Sound -enum
sound = static("org.bukkit.Sound")

@m.world.playSound(@m.getLocation(), sound.NOTE_PLING, 1, 1.7)
wait(0.1->ticks, def @m.world.playSound(@m.getLocation(), sound.NOTE_PLING, 1, 2))


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